NYT Runs First Front Page Editorial Since 1920 – And the Reason Why Should Concern Americans – IOTW Report

NYT Runs First Front Page Editorial Since 1920 – And the Reason Why Should Concern Americans

The NY Times Goes Full Gun Grabby

28 Comments on NYT Runs First Front Page Editorial Since 1920 – And the Reason Why Should Concern Americans

  1. This is an extension of the erosion in personal property rights in general. We now sit still for outrages like the Kelo decision and, on a more local level, happily sign ‘homeowner agreements’ that limit what we can do with our own property.

    We must begin to stand up not only for our second amendment rights, but the more mundane freedoms we seem resigned to accept.

    I for one will not comply with any regulation of my legally obtained, legally stored and legally used firearms. And no, changing the ‘law’ ex post facto won’t work.

    You fence-sitters out there who don’t understand the ‘need’ for weapons that don’t resemble grandpa’s double-barrel need to wake up to the reality that one day, something other than firearms will become the target of government coercion….who ‘needs’ a car that can go 150 mph, or more than one car, or ultimately, maybe you don’t ‘need’ to make so much money.

  2. I was looking at gun ownership stats this morning and found these made me feel better:
    Gun ownership by household has long been dropping, not surprisingly as fewer people look to hunt their own food. But there was a strong uptick soon after 0bama took office – particularly among Democrats. http://content.gallup.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/n-k9vdg170sylv4thxvfsw.gif

    Second, the percentage of people who think having a gun in the household makes it safer has increased dramatically across all ideologies. http://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Gallup-Guns-Home-Safer.png

    A single person can pen a diatribe and one may wonder whether a majority feels that way. Polls show the reality, as do ever-expanding gun rights. We must always remain vigilant, but we are moving in the right direction.

  3. Abandon our Constitution in order to assuage “our sense of decency”??

    That has been the battle cry from the left on more than one issue and points out exactly what Progressives want…to “Progress” past an outdated piece of paper written by dead white guys.

    Good luck with that.

  4. I know a few people that read the NYT and believe me, their minds are fucking made up. The NYT is preaching to the choir and they think because they sell a couple million papers in frigging Manhattan that their word is gospel. Do you think for a second that someone might be on the fence about confiscation(that’s what they want) and will read this and go, yeah yeah, that’s the ticket? Please negro.

    All crap like this editorial does is confirm to their readers that they know what’s best for the 100 million of us pee-ons that responsibly own fire arms. It reads without any logic. They can not make the case that less fire arms will mean no more mass murders. And in fact just the opposite case is made and ignored by them.

    You want a real gun law that will reduce mass murders? Make it mandatory for every person to own a firearm and know how to carry & use it.

  5. If the NYSlimes and its editorial writers would stay in their gun and intelligence free zones, they wouldn’t have to worry about law abiding citizens with guns because we have enough sense not to go there. And if they begin to get lonely there , I’m sure some Syrian refugees would love to keep them company.

  6. Since when was a gun designed specifically to kill people? I thought they were used for opening the shed door once a year, the wild animals run right in, skin, pluck, gut, age, package and freeze themselves for the year and it’s all free just one bullet.

  7. If you are concerned about the lunatics in NY getting their way, look into the 80% receivers and frames for homebuilding your own arms.

    Paying cash for them, and all the other parts, is a good idea, if you want no paper trail.

    Having no paper trail is priceless.

  8. Why would the NYT’s management think anybody else in the nation gives a flying fuck about their opinion pieces?

    Most of the conservatives in the country see NYC as a bastion of the liberal insane.

    New Yorkers haven’t burned down the UN and it’s RIGHT THERE.

    So don’t expect the rest of us to take anything you say seriously.

  9. Not surprising … the same paper that lied for Josef Stalin while he murdered 33 Million Ukrainians …

    “One man’s death is a tragedy … one million is a statistic.”

  10. Idiot facist liberal progressives. They don’t think about bombs and how bombs can kill many more people at once. And swords and machete’s can do a good job on people too.

    If guns are banned, then all metals, bats, crowbars, knives, swords, mathete’s, shovels, hoes, knives and forks and spoons, and grinders because any piece of metal can be sharpened into a deadly weapon, pipes and wires and anything that can be used for bomb making. What idiots.

    In Great Britain antique guns are being used by criminals. Crime has gone up in countries that have banned guns. Duh!

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