Trump Presser: Watch What Happens When Reporter Calls Terrorists “Regular People” – IOTW Report

Trump Presser: Watch What Happens When Reporter Calls Terrorists “Regular People”

trump iowa 'regular people' terrorists reporter

During a pre-rally press conference today in Iowa a reporter asks Donald Trump about the San Bernadino terrorists, framing the question that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were “regular people“.

(Video prompted to 02:18) – The Last Refuge.

11 Comments on Trump Presser: Watch What Happens When Reporter Calls Terrorists “Regular People”

  1. That’s why we love Trump-not a hint of PC and willing to jump on some moron’s idiocy with both feet.

    Is he as eloquent as Cruz? No
    As winsome? Definitely not
    As silver tongued? Not by a mile
    Does it matter a whit? No

  2. Never, never, never accept a libqueef’s framing of the argument (here presented as a question).

    Trump knows this, he just showed you he does. Cruz skips the refutation entirely and simply reframes the bloody queefbrain’s argument in a redirected attack.

    I love them both.

  3. I would say his eloquence and silver tongue isn’t necessarily absent, it is very subtle. But he is as sly as a fox and sharp as any career politician.

    He’s no bumbling blowhard. I’d like to see him on a stage against Hillary.

  4. One thing I noticed is that though just barely, the media scumshit pussbags seemed slightly tepid in their confrontation of enemy Trump.
    They did try their best but they looked stupid as usual.

    It seems that of all the minor leaugers on scene not one of them wanted to be the next laughing stock sent back crying to the news room. They were cautious and far less puffy chested than usual. I can picture the skirts texting away to their bosses “we need the big guns here !!! Please send the Cav and Gen. Steponmycockolous !!!”

    Ignore them. They are shit. Unless you want a laugh. Remember, they are the greatest enemy we face in this country. They must be hunted down and held to account for their treason. They need to be in prison. They are part of the moslime terror network.

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