#WhiteLivesMatter! Shirtless Bank Robber With a Knife Doesn’t Want To Give Up – IOTW Report

#WhiteLivesMatter! Shirtless Bank Robber With a Knife Doesn’t Want To Give Up

I love the onlookers that give the “awwwwwwwwwwwww” sound as if the police just stomped a kitten.



18 Comments on #WhiteLivesMatter! Shirtless Bank Robber With a Knife Doesn’t Want To Give Up

  1. Dumbass for sure and had a weapon, but I don’t see where he is advancing on them to the point that he had to be shot. I think it would likely have been the same outcome eventually I just am having difficulty seeing that the threat elevated from the start of the video. Talking animatedly with a knife in your hands but not closing ground on the officers. What am I missing? No doubt in my mind he is verbalising threats.

  2. That ain’t right. He (prolly) din’t have a puppy when he was growin up … and his daddy drank … and his mommy smoked … and one of his teachers smirked at him, once …

  3. Looked to me that they used less-lethal of some sort on him, but I don’t understand why the officers just stood around. The point of using less-lethal is to bum rush the guy while he’s disoriented to cuff him.

  4. I agree it didn’t look like he escalated but the one officer blocked some of the view. It looked like he put his non-knife holding hand on the cruiser. Did he threaten to cut the car or did they shoot him to prevent him from killing himself with the knife?

    Ok, I watched it again. I did see he did something with the knife, and I heard a click before the shooting started. He did say he had a bomb when he tried to rob the bank.

  5. Any criminal stupid enough to continue to fight when surrounded by armed people is too stupid to live. The world is better off without him, doubt he was robbing the bank to fund his cancer research.

  6. Could have used a couple of bean bag rounds from 12 gauge – one to the gut and one to the knee. I asked my buddy Buckwheat and he said “I am show bidness, an you will neva see dis on ma media agains”.

    Hope they feel swell popping an ill idiot. Buckwheat is glad they are not popping Stymie, so he will not post this one.

  7. The knife was a shaving, “straight razor.” “Bum rush” a guy that is still in control of a straight razor? I think not. He didn’t lose control of it until he got disoriented when he hit the ground.

    In just that 30 second clip he made two overt actions with the razor directed at the officers. (8 and 16 second marks). So you have a robbery & note of such, threat of having a bomb, unknown other threats made that we aren’t aware of, non-compliance of lawful orders while remaining armed, and the list goes on…

    So in rushing him, how many officers are acceptable to receive life threatening injuries as they begin to bleed out or suffer severe traumatic injuries with gashes from a (I’m sure in this case, a surgically sterilized) straight razor?

  8. Two things people gotta understand:

    1) Cops have a right to self-defense too.

    2) Cops also have the right to meet lethal force with lethal force.

    OpenTheDoor is right. Anyone who does not drop his weapon when confronted with an armed LEO is dumber than dirt.

  9. I agree.
    He’s a dumb POS, and not worth the time it takes to ponder how the cops should/shouldn’t have handled it.
    There are lots more important things to worry about.

  10. State sanctioned murder. At the moment he was shot he was NO MORE A THREAT than a minute earlier. The ONLY move he made was to put his EMPTY hand on the fender of the vehicle…and less than a second later he had been shot twice.

    What almost certainly happened is one of the badgemonkeys used his Taser….the sound of THAT being fired caused another badgemonkey to reflexively shoot the man. NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION can be shown for this act. Therefore it’s at LEAST manslaughter. But since we all know that badgemonkeys are immune from accountability yet another person gets murdered by a criminal pinned to a badge.

    And I DON’T GIVE A FLAMING F**K what he was accused of. LEO are NOT judge, jury and executioner. Their job is to arrest people and let the courts sort it out, not execute them because they are scared or easily startled.

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