Liberal Alternative to “Thoughts and Prayers” – IOTW Report

Liberal Alternative to “Thoughts and Prayers”

The People’s Cube lists the eight responses that the left offers in the face of a tragedy.  The items offered were in response to the Daily Mail’s front page claim that “God Isn’t Fixing This, Government Will.”


4 Comments on Liberal Alternative to “Thoughts and Prayers”

  1. Did anyone ever say that God was going to fix this? I know that liberals think that things need fixing because they just can’t stand to just let them be. They don’t understand that just sharing grief with someone is enough.

    So their need to “fix” things is projected onto us whether we want it or not. If anything needs fixing, I’ll do it myself, thank-you-very-much. Government, stay out of my business.

  2. Of course the government will fix this. Just follow these easy steps to the Government Solution for Everything (GSE), and rainbows will magically appear:

    1. Elected officials must immediately commission focus groups in order to determine which course of action will make them seem decisive and intelligent to their particular constituents. (Disclaimer: appearing intelligent is not a criteria for liberal districts).

    2. Commissions and investigative bodies must be convened in order to “study” the problem. Note: while nothing will be done, the Senator’s worthless nephew needs a job again, and this is a great way to shovel some pork while seemingly “doing something.”

    3. Engage political correctness experts in order to eliminate all words and phrases which, while true, may be considered trigger statements, impermissible code words or things that seem scary. As much as possible, inconvenient facts must be completely scrubbed from the discussion.

    4. Write editorials to the New York Times. Only 16 people actually read the New York Times, but everyone loves to defer to these clueless saps because referring to the New York Times makes one seem intelligent. You may safely ignore the Daily Mail because, while as silly as the New York Times, citing the Daily Mail impresses no one.

    5. Pass legislation which punishes law abiding citizens only and takes away their rights. If possible, figure out a way to increase taxes because “it’s for the children.” Don’t worry about actually targeting criminals and terrorists because this is far beyond the intellectual capacity of elected officials and liberals.

    Although the public must not be aware of this, none of these steps will actually solve anything. Therefore, public officials must secretly increase personal security through additional body guards, engage in the increased use of private jets and motor convoys, and never leave their gated communities, private country clubs and secure office complexes. Hey, it’s a dangerous world out there.

  3. Love People’s Cube! Concerning Gov’t must do something, can anyone determine whether the San Bernadino shooters were using Cali compliant 10 round mags? Hi-cap mags are ILLEGAL in Cali, and those Moslems must’ve been obeying Calif laws, right?

  4. Actually, I belueve the truth to be that if the gospel was put into their hearts ( attempt was made hours before by a messianic jew), outward evangelist), and was reacted too, those horrific acts would have become benign.

    A poll was taken on our fears. Greatest fear: Speaking to the public. #2 was dying. Wow.

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