This HBO “Comedy” Premise is the Actual Joke – IOTW Report

This HBO “Comedy” Premise is the Actual Joke

This simultaneously makes me laugh, get angry, get depressed, face palm, but ultimately, buoyed, by the fact that this is going to look démodé the moment it airs.

HBO is developing a comedy about an underground college humor mag.

If it’s underground it has to be a conservative based humor magazine, no? Would HBO do that? Hell no!!!

WHYTHEFACK would a group of progressives feel that they would have to go “underground” to print their viewpoint? Are you kidding me? Leftist college students are controlling the campus!!!

The conservatives are the subversives in 2016.

So, having a gram of self-awareness, what do these one trick pony HBO writers do? They set the “underground” magazine at a Christian college, that way they’d have some sort of justification for these snowflake-safeplace-socialjusticewarriors-woolhatwearing-progressivetrustfundbaby-dopesmoking-notreadyfortherealworld-pissblimps to be sitting around making jokes about Ted Cruz.

ht/ just the tip

7 Comments on This HBO “Comedy” Premise is the Actual Joke

  1. That would work if the show was set in the 1950s. In fact that would be pretty cool. National Lampoon and Mad Magazine started life as underground college humor magazines. Leave it to HBO to take a great premise and screw it up.

  2. It takes place in a Christian College!!

    The only kind of schools left in the country that still believe in free speech and they expect us to believe that REgressives decided to enroll in a Christian College??

    I guess it’ll be a huge hit in Colorado.

  3. The hollyweird morons that “think” of this swill have no interest in the truth. There is NO SUCH THING as a liberal underground maggot-zine. Once again, they believe they are reliving the 60s.

    By definition, underground media is diametrically opposed to those currently in power. So this liberal magazine is opposed to Gay Barry. Yeah. Right.

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