They Can Have Him! – IOTW Report

They Can Have Him!

HT/ WiscoDave


14 Comments on They Can Have Him!

  1. I wonder if obummer is going to try to get installed as the head of the UN. It seems he’s been trying hard to hand over US sovereignty (sp?) to the UN – which has now pretty much been taken over by moslems/dictators.

  2. Nah. After leaving the presidency and America in its weakened stated, he will have outlived his usefulness. He will have no real power after 2016. The international elite and muslims only tolerate him because he serves a purpose. Everyone thinks he’s a jackass.

    Count on it.

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  1. American Irony | This might be a “typo” on the TV station’s part, but only on a technicality
  2. This might be a “typo” on the TV station’s part, but only on a technicality | Western Free Press

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