Dutch “Pranksters” Fool People Into Believing Bible Verses Are the Koran – IOTW Report

Dutch “Pranksters” Fool People Into Believing Bible Verses Are the Koran

“I guess it is lost on these pranksters that the reason why Christians are not familiar with these verses in the Bible is that no priest or minister is preaching them from the pulpit.” – Stop2think

They say this is supposed to prove prejudices.

I’d say the beheadings, stonings, amputations, immolations, drownings, and subjugations by Muslims in TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN proves something other than “prejudices.”

What a stupid video.

14 Comments on Dutch “Pranksters” Fool People Into Believing Bible Verses Are the Koran

  1. Didn’t occur to them that the fulfillment of the Word was Jesus Christ and the New Testament. John 8: 1-11, Jews getting ready to stone a woman in adultery, Jesus says those without sin cast first stone and dispersed the crowd. Christians take the New Testament teachings over Old Testament.

    Not unlike the followers of the goat humper handbook who give priority to newer writings in the book vs older passages. But in the goat humper handbook the writings become more violent as time went on.

    Video was stupid but you have to love the bias, particularly when they call the bible “the bible” and they call the goat humper handbook the “Holy goat humper handbook”

    And as stop2think stated Jewish Rabbis are not telling their followers to stone women and beat them the last time I checked.

    Pisses me off that these nitwits think they have discovered some great information when they are just low functioning atheists.

    You know the greatest government of that time used to crucify dissenters. Should we reject all government 2000 years later because of the societal practice of the Roman government?

  2. Life was a lot different (and much harsher) in the Iron Age. This video just highlights the stupidity of trying to apply the societal rules of that time to the modern world. IMHO.

  3. People who do read it for themselves, realize that people who don’t, more often than not take particular passages that they pick and choose out of context to portray Jews and Christians in the worst light. The Bible is a history of the Jewish people and beginning of Christianity. Most of those passages pertain to certain people and certain events, not as something that should be practiced forever. If you’re not reading the whole thing, you’re missing the point.

  4. pboid – Have you tried reading any of the koran? If so, to anyone who has also read the Bible, it is completely obvious that mohammed and/or his followers who wrote the koran plaigiarized HEAVILY from the Jewish texts, intermingling their own writings to give themselves authority in the eyes of the people they were conquering in order to commit the most heinous atrocities. After reading several pages of the koran, it became apparent to me why islam makes people crazy – it is completely delusional.

  5. It seems the point of the video was, “Christians are bad too, so stop hating on the Moslems”.

    1. There are HUNDREDS of different versions of the Bible, more than 20 just in English. They are not all alike.
    2. The Cristian Bible had been around for over 200 years when Mohammad “wrote” the Koran. The Jewish texts even longer. There is no doubt there was significant plagiarism plus copying of style for self-serving purposes.
    3. The Bible is as much history as a guide for life. Selecting passages that were meant to describe what happened are not an authority for what SHOULD happen.

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