Tombstone Pizza – IOTW Report

Tombstone Pizza

A woman in Brooklyn is mowed down by an unlicensed and uninsured driver swerving out of the way of a stopped bus. Another woman who just bought a slice of pizza witnesses the accident.

While others rush to see if they could help the woman pinned under the car, the pizza woman gets more involved with her slice and strolls away.

The victim died after being rushed to the hospital.


An NYPD spokesman told PIX11 News Monday the mystery witness was not legally obligated to render aid.

However many felt thatthere was a moral obligation involved in helping the victims.

Others supported what the woman did.

One local worker, Xiomara Morgan, who saw one of the other victims crawl through blood to try and help Nicodemus, said she cannot judge the woman who walked away.

‘Honestly, I can’t judge her,’ Morgan told DNA.

‘She has her own reason for walking away in a situation like that.’

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22 Comments on Tombstone Pizza

  1. Wow man, just like on TV – this pizza is really good…
    Here we have just another dumbed-down, numbed-down moron with the mental agility of a small plant stand oblivious to reality, responsibility and decency.
    Gee Wally, that’s just how the Communists want us!

  2. I can’t judge her at all. We are bullied by our govt into looking away whenever an “unlicensed and uninsured driver” commits a crime, and whatever pizza gal says to authorities can and will be used against ber in a court of social justice.

    I am more concerned with the guy who DOES have a legal responsibilitg to act, whether it is the cop who sent the illegal merrily on his way with a warning yesterday, tbe judge who released him pending trial last month, or the President who ate his arugula and turned away as the driver crossed the border last year.

  3. There is a lot more going on here than jab that, “what do you expect, it’s New York”. This is what Progressivism does to the people. When generations get brought up on the idea that they are not responsible for the welfare of their fellow citizens because that’s what the government is for, this is the result.

  4. Yes, that’s what I’d like to know, who WAS/IS that unnamed, unlicensed, and uninsured driver? An illegal, mayhaps? Who should have been thrown UNDER the jail last month? And perhaps some people’s lives would be saved today?

  5. “She had her own reason.” Pizza girl appears to be drunk or stoned. Or she’s a moron who doesn’t even know how to wash her hands without a government poster on the bathroom wall. Or she wasn’t in her safe space. Or she’s afraid of the sight of blood.

    Unless that pizza slice had magic healing powers, walking away was probably the only right thing for her to do. Ultimately, I blame illegal immigration and its enablers.

  6. I would have done the same thing.

    1.) She did not actually witness the accident, her back was turned when it happened

    2.) It’s not as if this location is in the middle of nowhere

    3.) Like me, she probably has little to no ability to render any aid, also see #2

    4.) There were people almost immediately on the scene probably more capable than her, also see #2 and #3

    5.) Knowing all of the above, it’s not as if she could do anything to save the woman. Just because the lady later died, it’s not as if anything she would have done could have made the outcome any better.

    Years ago a friend and I witnessed the craziest accident you could ever imagine, it was as if the woman was trying to commit suicide. We tried to aid both cars involved, called the police, made statements and also went to court. It was a nightmare, about 8 months of investigation, meetings, prying into our lives, court dates, etc. Yet we weren’t even the ones involved in the accident.

    Since then I’ve witnessed a handful of relatively minor crashes. Provided there’s someone behind me or coming my direction, I’m out of there, I refuse to stick around. It’s not my fault people can’t drive their cars and I’m not a first response technician.

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