Ted Cruz Has Three Specific Ideas To Combat Islamic Terrorism In The U.S – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Has Three Specific Ideas To Combat Islamic Terrorism In The U.S

cruz yelling at ICE director

COTR: The media counties to salivate over Donald Trump’s controversial comments on temporarily preventing Muslims from entering the United States. They fall in his trap every time. Trump was the topic of conversation on practically every single political talk show this week, and that’s exactly what he wanted.

Conservatives and liberals rushed to condemn him. As usual, the media tried to get Ted Cruz to jump on the bandwagon, but he refused.

“A lot of our friends here have encouraged me to criticize and attack Donald Trump, I’m not interested in doing so,” Cruz said Tuesday. “But I believe we need a plan that is focused on the direct threat, and the threat we’re facing is radical Islamic terrorism.”

“Certainly in the media there’s been no shortage of criticism of Donald Trump,” Cruz later added. “I do not believe the world needs my voice added to that chorus of critics.”

Instead of talking about Trump’s proposal, Cruz talked about HIS plan.

7 Comments on Ted Cruz Has Three Specific Ideas To Combat Islamic Terrorism In The U.S

  1. perhaps i’m stating the obvious, but there certainly seems to be a trump / cruz connection that is going to make the upcoming months interesting as the poll numbers evolve

    curious is anyone on this site has any inside detail on this

  2. I don’t claim to have any inside info, but they did have a meeting back in July. I don’t really know what transpired, but it appears to have resulted in a live and let live agreement. That is speculation on my part. I think if either one starts slinging mud at the other, all bets are off.

  3. I like Trump’s plan better.
    No more Muslim immigration, go after the entire extended family (that can mean lots of things).
    Cruz, if he’s even telling the truth, has the weaker solution.
    End the anchor baby loophole.
    Then deport baby, deport!

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