They’ve nearly perfected progressivism – IOTW Report

They’ve nearly perfected progressivism

Forget transgenderism. That’s old and busted.

The newest sensation is transagerism.


52 Trans Man

ht/ jerry manderin

58 Comments on They’ve nearly perfected progressivism

  1. Send this piece of shit over to the middle east and see how long he identifies as a six year old.

    He needs to be raped in the ass by a group of muzzies until he literally dies from it.

  2. This is going to end badly and it’s going end badly for some child or children. When it does go out and find a progressive, any progressive and kick them in the crotch just as hard as you can then just walk away. I know, that won’t happen but it’s fun to dream.

  3. This goes a long way in explaining why so many of the dolts out here can not recognize the muslime filth for the dogs that they are. For the threat they pose to civilized humanity.

    The parrots are unable to recognize punch in the face obvious mental illness like this creature above or Bruce Jenner etc… and they play along with these mental cases.

    These fools allow themselves to be bossed around by puke faced NAZI shitbags that dictate to them how to think and speak, Limpwristed faggots browbeating them… sad.

    As Sharpton says “refuse we much will which is we must did we do resist it is”…

  4. is this what lbj meant when he spoke about the great society?

    truly we have gone insane as a society.

    how come some country made up of real men hasn’t invaded us yet and made us their bitch?

    I mean, with stuff like this in the news, we are rolling out the welcoming mat for conquest.

  5. My first thought was he’s a racist for not being a black six year old girl. Does that mean they got to me???
    My second thought was why don’t we all just identify as ourselves at our full retirement age and apply for social security? Could they say no?

  6. I can’t read anymore about this guy. But if he’s a six year-old, why isn’t he in school? Let a progtarded 1st grade teacher deal with “her.” Sometimes it’s better to just let the whole thing break. Until that happens, then we’re fighting this all by ourselves. Let the progtarded, leftist parents deal with having this six yo in their little girls’ first grade class. Um hmm.

  7. My favorite comment there:

    witnesstothecarnage • 13 hours ago

    That’s it. I have decided to return to age 16. I can still drive, but cannot be subjected to adult civil or criminal law.

    Party at my “parents” house… you are all weclome.

  8. As Sharpton says “refuse we much will which is we must did we do resist it is”

    I long for the day those words are etched into the base of his bust and put into The Smithsonian Gallery of F#%ked Up People in American Politics.

    I expect that to be a rather large gallery.

  9. “how come some country made up of real men hasn’t invaded us yet and made us their bitch?”


    You just woke up every .308 I have. Damn, now I’m going to have to feed them all a few mags before they can go back to sleep.

  10. Well, if shit gets too bad with people, I am going to self identify as a Bear and hike off into the woods to use my primate skills to set up my own small Bear Fiefdom and invite other Bears and any Squirrels and or Marmots and those who self identify as those animals to come live there.

  11. It’s a little bit like my wife’s Chihuahua is always trying to go after are Great Dane and the Great Dane never seems to mind, but there’s something wrong in the head of that Chihuahua. Somehow it doesn’t seem to know its got the wrong body for being a badass killer dog.

  12. He was a different breed of dem. He was a teacher before he got into acting, had a master’s degree, and went to Calif from Texas to work on getting his Phd, before he was discovered by Hollywood.
    He came from a hard working family who never fit in in Hollywood. His mother moved back to Texas after his death because she didn’t like it out there.

    So, maybe you are right about that.

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