We Interrupt Regular Posting To Make Room For FLOTUS Rapping – IOTW Report

We Interrupt Regular Posting To Make Room For FLOTUS Rapping

HT/ Reddecaesari

What kills me is that she thinks her core constituency can handle college.

Well, they can, if they’re studying for bullsh!t degrees in bullsh!ttery, like Black Anger Poetry and Indigenous Yo-Yo Making. Anyone that can “walk on the moon” (an example this video gives) was not cajoled into going to college by a greezy first lady rapping at them.

27 Comments on We Interrupt Regular Posting To Make Room For FLOTUS Rapping

  1. The video didn’t say anything about studying. It rather implies if you go to college you WILL be what you study for in college. When you can’t find a job in your field, the government will take care of you.

  2. “We Interrupt Regular Posting To Make Room For FLOTUS Xxxxxxxx — Lip Flapping”

    There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.

    This is almost as bad as John sKerry’s dust up with the Iraqi vets, being “uneducated” and stuck in the Army in Iraq.

  3. Mooche went to college.

    Became a lawyer, but got dis-barred along the way. SO that’s not useful any more.

    Married the guy that would be thrust upon America by its enemiesand now lives a lavish in-your-face lifestyle due to that one thing alone – unrelated to her college education.

    So the real example her life shows is that college education is only as good as you make of it – it could be all for naught, and marrying into a good situation trumps everything.

  4. You know what? Considering they didn’t even mention the easy financing to ensure they get in, I think it’s malicious to enslave them to debt with a sales pitch like this.

    This would not be a hard argument to make to a jury.

    On one of my jury duties, we slammed a security agency with a hefty judgement for not even trying to do a background check on a convicted car thief they hired and put on guard at a dealership!

    Yeah, he stole a car within a week

    The argument for malice was that they cared more about making money than following the law and doing right by their clients.

    I see a parallel here.

  5. “Be an astronaut?”
    And where is that going to take place? Islamic rocket school? You know….where they contributed so much?
    A disgusting rapper first lady. Not exactly Jacqueline Kennedy, is it?
    These grifters are a disgrace. 13 more months. This is how far we’ve fallen.
    Liberals had their one chance and blew it. The could’ve at least gotten a patriotic guy who had come up the hard way and loved America.
    I doubt we’ll ever see a black president again. Too much drama over their perceived victimhood.

  6. Interesting. Rappers don’t have to go to college and that’s all leftists really want their urban trolls to do, that and live off government programs.
    Mooch from the “Southside of Chicago” should be more concerned about the black on black crime running rampant there and in Michigan, thanks to her Marxist pResident husband.
    Mooch also has the nerve to promote attending college, while the very professions she and her SNL lackey dismissed in the video; painting, landscaping and other skilled trades sometimes have higher and more stable earnings. The First Hatey is a myopic, selfish, racist creature.

  7. “they” want your kids to get into student debt up to their eyeballs
    to have a worthless degree they’ll never have a real job at
    only to end up selling phones at Verizon kiosk at the mall
    – a job they could have gotten straight out of high school –

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