You Know Things Are Getting Contentious… – IOTW Report

You Know Things Are Getting Contentious…

…when Pat Buchanan pens a column on Muslim immigration that is the voice of reason.

Pat Buchanan on Meet the Press 13 May 2001 By: Alex Wong/Getty Images


This guy has made his money for decades being the extreme anti-immigration right-winger the left would always use to make their own extreme positions seem moderate by comparison. Now he’s the most rational person writing on the subject.

11 Comments on You Know Things Are Getting Contentious…

  1. Pat was always correct in his position illegal invasion and his view was always through the prism of the logical progression and long term results of it.

    He has been vindicated a thousand times over. Everything he warned of has arrived and worse. He was another Paul Revere, ringing the bell, but always ignored and dismissed. Now he is vindicated.

  2. Pat is our own home grown Enoch Powell. (For those not familiar, search “Rivers of Blood” speech) Powell was decried by the British establishment at the time as a racist/nazi/kitten killing lunatic, but time has proved that he was 100% correct in the assertions he made then. Hopefully, the American public hasn’t been so enstupidated that they believe the establishment like
    Brits did a couple of generations ago.

  3. The leftist news outlets have always held him as being extreme to the point of xenophobia used him over the years to portray their own open border policies as sensible.

    I take issue with Buchanan allowing himself to be used this way, rather than finding a fairer outlet for his positions on immigration. He stayed on those slanted shows for the money and by his presences lent them credibility to their claim of being objective.

    It’s not that he was ever wrong on immigration, as this column demonstrates, it’s that he let himself be used that bothers me.

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