7 years ago there was one Sharia court in England. Now There are 85. – IOTW Report

7 years ago there was one Sharia court in England. Now There are 85.

There are now EIGHTY-FIVE Islamic courts dispensing ‘justice’ across the UK. In 2008 the first Sharia court in England arbitrated an inheritance dispute between 3 sisters and 2 brothers. The brothers were awarded twice as much money as the sisters in accordance with the teachings of the Koran.

A distraught wife seeking a divorce at a Sharia Court in London holds her head in her hands as she sits with judge Suhaib Hasan 

These courts are virulently anti-woman, often forcing them to endure human rights violations, dangerous situations involving physical abuse, rape and financial abandonment, with the courts never turning an abuser over to the British courts.

England does nothing about it, letting it exist as a parallel entity, while clerics openly yearn for the day when Sharia will be the only law of the land for everyone.

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12 Comments on 7 years ago there was one Sharia court in England. Now There are 85.

  1. What a crock, if England is willing to allow ONE Sharia court……it’s all over.

    America came to your rescue before, but, with this piece of shit in the White Hut, don’t expect a repeat of that magnitude.

  2. A whole lot more than the proverbial nose of that camel that is islam and sharia law is under the ol’ tent in England. And if we don’t nip it in the bud right now, we’ll be looking at the same thing here in America within a few years.

  3. The Garland, TX, City Council came within two votes, I believe, of allowing a Sharia Court. That’s why Clockmed, the motorcycle-gang caper, and other assorted news items are happening there. The Moslems NEARLY had it in their grasp.

  4. The UK needs a leader on the magnitude and determination of Winston Churchill. Someone who believes in the inherent strength and morality of Western Civilization.

    Even Queen Elizabeth should speak out — it is crisis time! After 63 years on the throne, does she want to reign over the demise of the English people?

  5. I agree with my fellow Hoosier Loretta.

    I like the Brits, but they did this to themselves.
    And since not even most of their cops have guns, let alone their citizens, they are screwed.

    ps….If the UK is so anti-gun, why do the royal palace guards have guns?

  6. Along this line…my 2nd son worked at a beer distributor PT a year or so ago. Some Muzzie came in with his raghead wife to buy beer. They checked out and the muz motioned for his wife to carry the case of beer. She picked it up and was heading to the door and my son took it from her to carry it to the car. The muz made a noise (snort) and grabbed the case from my son walked outside and shoved it into his wife’s chest really hard! She almost dropped it.
    My son came very close to decking the muz but a fellow employee followed my son out and told him it ain’t worth it boy. My son still mentions it and you can see the rage in his eyes.
    He ‘highly dislikes’ them.

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