Trimming the Bushes – IOTW Report

Trimming the Bushes

The list of the 10 most complained about commercials in Australia is out. schick-hydro-silk-trimstyle-by-the-pool-large-7

 Ad for Shick Hydro Silk TrimStyle


 Aussie Commercials Are So Much Better Than Ours


10 Comments on Trimming the Bushes

  1. Sheesh! Com’on, people. Haven’t you ever heard of turning down the volume, or changing the channel, or even TURNING OFF THE TV!!?? No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to watch.
    Instead, you have to run and whine to a Gooberment “Ethics” Board (now THERE’s an oxymoron) because it’s “for the children”. Which ones? The little rug rats you’ve spawned? Or the ones that are supposed to be the adults in the house?

    Frankly, just because I’m a punster kind of guy, I found those adverts somewhat amusing. Not that I’d want to see them all day, every day. But they’d be good for a chuckle or two.

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