BFH Crossword Puzzle – IOTW Report

BFH Crossword Puzzle

This is dedicated to Merry Poppet, our resident wordsmith and all-around fan of wordplay.



8. Sounds like a gambler, but it’s really a partner in crime.

9. They’re either fighting, drinking or kissing.

10. iOTW reader has this kind of outstanding toe.

11. God bless her.

12. He he was was a “dancing machine.”

13. They better not get in BFH’s way on the road.

16. Arab cutlery.

19. Comes before Spumante.

22. Sometimes a woman pays this, but rarely.

23. Democrats’ mascots

24. Detroit was this kind of city.

25. Dubya pronounced it funny.


1.Bangers in Britain.

2.Emptying these is a crappy job.

3.Hollywood Boulevard is filled with them.

4. Velvety, Buttery, Whipped.

5. Kids collect them in jars.

6. Social studies or a Honda?

7. Not the Sunni side of the street

14. Even Usain Bolt shouldn’t run with these.

15. Obama accuses the right of this every chance he gets.

17. The left-wing is wholly comprised of this.

18. It’s so easy. ________ can do it.

20. She sometimes wears all black with a covering over her head.

21. Trip the Light Fantastic.

22. Coyote’s favorite company.



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