Father Who Lost Son to illegal Alien Offers Striking Response to Amnesty Group – IOTW Report

Father Who Lost Son to illegal Alien Offers Striking Response to Amnesty Group

Breitbart: A father whose son was killed by an unlicensed, illegal immigrant who had been shielded from deportation by “Temporary Protected Status” is offering a striking response to an amnesty group’s fundraising appeal this week.

killed by illegal alien driver

In an email exchange obtained by Breitbart News, Don Rosenberg — whose 25-year-old son Drew was killed in 2010 — answers a fundraising email from the National Immigration Law Center arguing the importance of implementing President Obama’s stalled executive amnesty programs.

NILC’s fundraising email offers the story of “Gloria” a single mom from Mexico who has been living in Los Angeles illegally for over 15 years and who, until recently, had been driving without a driver’s license. more here

7 Comments on Father Who Lost Son to illegal Alien Offers Striking Response to Amnesty Group

  1. “…stop and think for just a second…”

    How about: You a§$h*les are just as responsible for the death of my son because you enable illegal scum staying in this country. Please die and rot in Hell.

  2. 50% of traffic accidents in LA are hit and run because illegals don’t buy car insurance. That raises the cost of insurance for all the legal, honest American citizens while endangering their lives.

    Why doesn’t the media report the impact that illegals – economic, social and emotional – has on the lives of Americans? There’s nothing positive to be said about it.

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