Man Walks Off Cliff While Engrossed in His Not So Smart Phone – IOTW Report

Man Walks Off Cliff While Engrossed in His Not So Smart Phone


  • The victim was at Sunset Cliffs when he plummeted 60 feetĀ 
  • He was declared dead at the scene

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30 Comments on Man Walks Off Cliff While Engrossed in His Not So Smart Phone

  1. Less than 20 minutes ago I ran a quick errand and was slowed down due to fire and ambulance activity. No problem, once we get past the scene we can get back to going 50-55MPH. Only I was behind a car and one of those gay Jeeps was in front of him and nearly a half mile later we’re only doing 40MPH.

    Frustrated I hit the right lane to pass, because that’s what you need to do to get around slow people, pass them on the right. As I crept up toward the goof in the Jeep I can see he’s more interested in his cell phone than driving to get somewhere. So I hold up my phone, honk to get his attention and then fly the bird.

    He instantly turns into rage boy! Why do people get so angry when you call them out for fcuking things up with their stupid mobile devices?

  2. Because they are oh-so much more important than anyone else. You dasn’t point that out to them because THEY have a constitutional right to be holier-than-thou.

    Never-mind that they have never ever read any portion of the constitution. That’s beneath them.

  3. Yup, my thought too. A couple of years ago I was going into the post office and it was pouring rain, some goof was rolling through the parking lot super slow playing on his phone. I was carrying stuff in and he didn’t see me (no wonder), so I had to wait for him to dawdle past getting soaked in the process. I dumped my packages and headed to the parking lot. As I was walking out he was coming in, still on the phone, I made the universal phone symbol and said something like, duh-derp while looking directly at him. I made it to my vehicle, got in and started it, just as I was about to slip it in gear phone-tard starts pounding on my window. I laughed at him and he got angrier, this was before CCW so I yanked out my Kershaw and was about to step out and stick him when he stormed off.

  4. His family is no doubt filing a law suit against the cliff which is obviously at fault in this situation. Gloria Allred will represent the family unless there is a need for Revrum Al. It could very well be a racist cliff.

  5. All 4 of us (wife, kids and me) have smart phones. We go out to dinner and it’s as if we’re the poorest family in the restaurant because we’re not staring at our phones.

    While I have no hard rules on the use of said devices while out to eat, none of us use our phones at the table unless there’s a need to share something with everyone else. For example my daughter might say something like, didja see this, then she will quickly show us a picture or something.

  6. Best phonetard story in history has got to be the young lady who was driving on a highway, listening to the Pharrell Williams song “Happy.” She texted her friend that she herself was, in fact, quite happy.

    Except then she was dead. Lack of focus on her driving caused her to slam her vehicle into the highway divider.

    If I were her mother, I don’t know which would upset me more–the loss of a precious child, or the knowledge that I’d raised a self-absorbed moron.

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