It’s Always the Cover Up – Newly Released emails After Police Shooting Looks Very Bad For Rahm Emanuel – IOTW Report

It’s Always the Cover Up – Newly Released emails After Police Shooting Looks Very Bad For Rahm Emanuel

It’s looking more and more like a well-orchestrated inter-agency politically motivated coverup


The Chicago mayor’s office, police and the body that investigates police shootings closely coordinated their response in the months after a white officer fatally shot a black teenager in 2014, newly released emails revealed.

The messages released Thursday clearly indicate that advisers to Mayor Rahm Emanuel knew within months that the case could be politically explosive.

5 Comments on It’s Always the Cover Up – Newly Released emails After Police Shooting Looks Very Bad For Rahm Emanuel

  1. Dems like Hilldog or Obongo would never allow any voting bloc to take them down even if it’s one of their prized grievance groups. Rhambo, being a lower-level pol, and in Chicongo as well, may have to bow to the pressure. Ain’t schadenfreude grand!

  2. The Chicago way, delay release of evidence after the election and pay millions of dollars to the deceased family after they sign a no disclosure statement.

    Surprisingly the media (AP) actually does what the media used to do in less corrupt cities. Investigate and report in an unbiased manner.

    Are the media getting tired of government corruption and cover-up or is this just an aberration??

    Will the media finally report on Hillary’s Benghazi, illegal donations to her campaign and foundation, pay to play corruption out of the State Dept. , ATF gun running, NSA/CIA phone taps of allies and congress, sending arms and money to Libya for distribution to Islamic terrorists, DOJ protecting Lois lerner and the IRS, how about all the illegal action by the Obama administration and agencies?

    Mayor Daley played under the table and kept the media in tow. Rahm, the four fingered ballerina, must have pissed someone off…….

    The AP Chicago story is an anomaly.

  3. The media is playing their usual, predictable game on this pile of dog crap. The coverage is non inflamatory, drawn out, and inconclusive at best. And, its meaningless.

    The timing of the story is typical. Long after covering and exposing demoncrat/leftist lies and corruption will have any negative consequences on the rats, they do a soft piece so that they can deny having ignored it as a favor.

    After odinga leaves office there will be an avalanch of stories that will heap mild criticism on some portions of his evil doings. The media talking heads will point to these stories as cover. They did the same with Bill and Hitlery, the Clinton Global Crime Fund, and all of the RAPES and child/teen sex Bill is involved in with Stein the felon.

    Bill is a RAPIST.

  4. The disgusting, disingenuous, lying, conniving, thieving, murdering, grifting, corrupt socialists running Chicago are running another scam on their slaves?

    I’m shocked!

    Shocked, I tell ya!

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