Remarkable – Fully Functional 3d Printed Nose Implanted on 14 Year-old Boy – IOTW Report

Remarkable – Fully Functional 3d Printed Nose Implanted on 14 Year-old Boy

 14-year-old Dallan Jennet’s senses of smell and taste were restored

Doctors at Mount Sinai created the nose based on sample models taken from his close family members, customizing it to his face and vascular requirements so that all function could be restored.

“The procedure is akin to a‘nose transplant’ in that we were able to replace the nose with a functional implant,” Dr. Tal Dagan, an associate adjunct surgeon at Mount Sinai who led the surgery, said in a press release. “This procedure may be a breakthrough in facial reconstruction because the patient will never have to deal with the standard issues of transplantation, such as tissue rejection or a lifetime of immunosuppressive therapies.”



9 Comments on Remarkable – Fully Functional 3d Printed Nose Implanted on 14 Year-old Boy

  1. Thank God for such miracles and the people who work to be God’s hands on earth.

    I’m waiting for the stem cells from one’s own hip to grow new cartilage in the knees to replace knee replacement. Something like that is happening now, but I will probably be just a fleeting memory and hopefully a joyous spirit before it becomes commonplace .

  2. After centuries of a civilized society’s quest for knowledge to do good for mankind, it’s like a miracle!
    Now, all we need to do is bring tens of thousands of savage muslim invaders into our country to destroy it all.

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