Black Lives Matter is the new Occupy – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter is the new Occupy

Breitbart News has given #BlackLivesMatter more detailed, deep, and honest coverage than any other media outlet on the planet in 2015, and for good reason. From covering every major protest they did to exposing the cop killer that the group worships to revealing the secret funder behind the movement to Milo Yiannopoulos’s complete shredding of activist Shaun King, Breitbart News has been the go-to source for original reporting on Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives MatterWhy is Breitbart News so on top of the Black Lives Matter movement?

Easy. We saw it coming.


With Barack Obama in the White House and Eric Holder running the Department of Justice, the stage was set for the next iteration of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Black Lives Matter was the new Occupy.

Read the rest here

7 Comments on Black Lives Matter is the new Occupy

  1. Here in SLC, UT, we don’t see much of the SJW activism. BUT. . . . just in case, I’m carrying, locked and loaded.
    I can only para quote (I’m on a small tablet), but I believe it was retired Gen Mattis who said, in effect, With tears in my eyes, I come in peace. But if you fuck with me, I will kill you.

  2. Just because you don’t see any cockroaches, it does not mean there isn’t an infestation. Be aware of your surroundings, always stay vigilant, and keep an avenue of escape in mind.

  3. We’re headed right down the same Socialist sewer every other Communist Third-World toilet has traveled down if we don’t get a Conservative elected in 2016. Hell, we’re already halfway there as it is thanks to this spineless, unaccomplished, flat-footed, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic Socialist asshole we have now. If the Hillbag or one of the RINO brothers get it the only left is to get hit in the back of the neck with the wax ring! Remember, there was NEVER any reason to “Fundamentally Transform” the most powerful, free, productive and generous nation on the face of the Earth unless yer trying to destroy it!

  4. Why the big lead-in to the story, for heaven’s sake? Anyone with two working brain cells could see that the black lives matter nonsense is backed by the same production company.

    At this very moment I am watching “For Your Consideration”, and these Breitbart guys are starting to sound like the cast out of a Christopher Guest film. I’m not even sure anymore which side I’m more disgusted with — the blm asshats or the people who are obsessed with reporting them. The first group are lying phonies and the second want a Pulitzer, or so it seems.

    blm will end up exactly where occupy did. It’s a fake movement and it can’t authentically resonate with most people. It will die out of natural causes.

  5. Not that hard a leap actually.
    Consider that Trump is running on almost the exact same platform Bill Clinton first ran on.
    The conservative movement has drifted leftward quickly over the last few years.

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