Hey Thugs, Don’t Mess With His Girlfriend – IOTW Report

Hey Thugs, Don’t Mess With His Girlfriend

Self DefenseConservative Tribune

Two of the thugs approached McCarthy and demanded his wallet and phone, which he handed over as one had a knife. But his instincts really kicked in when he saw his girlfriend being manhandled.

“Turning and seeing that guy just on her and I don’t know where those hands have been, (I was thinking) get them off my girlfriend, that’s what made me take a risk essentially,” said McCarthy.

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11 Comments on Hey Thugs, Don’t Mess With His Girlfriend

  1. In Texas, concealed carry deters this kind of thuggery, except around “gun free businesses”.

    Barack 0bama wants to control “gun violence”. Let’s see him get control of Sh!tcago, then we’ll talk.

  2. Not for nothing, but that story makes no sense whatsoever. The trio fled but he accosted them with the knife they stab ed him with?
    Then the police came.?
    I’m all for Neil McCarthy but tell the story .Unless I’m missing something, there is a lot missing from the story.

  3. From the article:

    While we of course would never condone vigilantism…

    Why not? The “justice” system is compromised and is all too commonly used to penalize the innocent with false arrests, perjuring witnesses (including cops), high-handed and legally ignorant judges, and criminally mismanaged prisons. There is nothing wrong with an honest man eschewing all that and personally making right what someone else has made wrong.

  4. Reminds me of back in 1999, my wife and I went to New Orleans for a three day weekend. On the 2nd night, we were walking back to our hotel (around midnight) when we noticed one of Obummers sons leaning against the side of a building, pretty sure he wasn’t there holding up the wall. As we got closer, my wife and me had already formulated a plan to deal with him if he did anything. She had a cup of coffee, took the lid off ready to throw it in his face if he did anything and I had my little plastic fork from the bag of beignets we had with us, ready to stab into his face after the coffee was thrown.

    He did the same the thugs in the story did, “Wassup?” I replied with the unfriendly, “Not much” and fortunately we walked pass without incident. He may have been casing passerbys, might have just been waiting for somebody, I don’t know. But we were prepared just in case.

    If some regressive happens to be reading this and thinking racist for us thinking that some black guy on hanging out on a side street at midnight might possibly want to rob us? Tough. You want to put Political Correctness above your own safety, you go right ahead.

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