Blather… Rinse … Repeat – IOTW Report

Blather… Rinse … Repeat


20 Comments on Blather… Rinse … Repeat

  1. Isn’t that the brand of shampoo (emphasis on poo) that the band Tears For Queers uses? And why do they call it sham poo? Does that mean that we’re washing our hair with an artificial or fake substance that has poo in it? Another one of life’s inponderables sort of like therapist.

  2. I would rather eat a full ration of human shit before I will listen to Obama whenever he shows up on tv.

    I muted his entire gun control speech, and only by chance saw him crying.
    If I ever meet the guy who invented the mute button, I will buy him a drink.

  3. Do you ever read and answer any replies to your posts?

    What is a Gock 10mm and why did you abandon the Glock 10mm you were once so fond of?

    Did you tell it to get the L out of town?

    Were you inspired during the Christmas season by all the songs about no L?

    Viet Vet can take it from here, he’s one L-of-a punster.

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