Tell Me How This Guy’s Life Matters – IOTW Report

Tell Me How This Guy’s Life Matters

Guy just arbitrarily slashes a woman’s face and runs away.

24 Comments on Tell Me How This Guy’s Life Matters

  1. I’ll bet that in addition to being a black democrat, he has an EBT card, and six kids by six different black women (also democrats with EBT cards), and could be another one of Obama’s numerous bastard sons.

  2. I think I could probably pump four rounds into his back as the cowardly little ofukinbamb shitstain ran away before he went down.

    I would never shoot a man in the back…clearly this piece of shit doesn’t meet that criteria!

  3. What pure schadenfreude it would be, were someone whose life mattered just as much as his, happened to be ripple-drunk-driving by and mowed him down, busting his skull open like a cherry syrup filled coconut, while serendipitously breaking every bone in his rat-worthy body.

  4. Be aware of who is around you, do not let anybody close with you, and be ready to change directions to give yourself a few extra moments if somebody has singled you out.
    I know people who would have killed this guy on principle, then gutted him on the street from throat to balls and rolled him to make sure they all came out.

  5. That is awful fast for 180gr.

    Have they come out with a Super-Duper-Duper WSM ?

    Can’t find a 30 cal load in any cartridge that comes near it.

    Even the RUM doesn’t come close.

    For 180gr, 2600-2900 is plenty fast. Heck, 1000-1400 out of a pistol is too.

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