Citizen Asks ATF: Do I Need a Federal Firearms License to Sell Thousands of Guns to Mexican Cartels? – IOTW Report

Citizen Asks ATF: Do I Need a Federal Firearms License to Sell Thousands of Guns to Mexican Cartels?

eric holder

TownHall: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has posted a link to their Facebook page clarifying requirements for people selling guns to obtain a Federal Firearms License. The link was posted after President Obama released new executive actions on gun control this week.

Check it out, here

h/t UnashamedDomesticDame.

10 Comments on Citizen Asks ATF: Do I Need a Federal Firearms License to Sell Thousands of Guns to Mexican Cartels?

  1. When I think of the ATF, I think of goons in our federal government that would fire on law abiding Americans who will refuse to give up their weapons.

    If there are any ATF guys out here that want to climb down my throat, let’s hear it.

  2. Now just a darn moment, laws don’t pertain to Earache Holder. His was on a mission of a higher calling…like bending Americans over the hood to satisfy his love and respect for white Americans who dare to own or wish to own guns.

  3. Let’s see …

    UnConstitutional dictates by a foreign-born interloper,
    Complicit Legislature,
    Corrupt Judiciary,
    Cowardly “Landsers,”
    Confused, sheeplike population,
    Socialist-Controlled, Propagandistic Media,
    Only scum rising to the top of the cesspool,
    $20 Trillion in Debt,
    $220 Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities (money owed),

    Shake it all up …

    Voila! A transformed America.

  4. So, why hasn’t the vaunted FBI investigated these shenanigans?
    Or the (allegedly) a-political CIA? Or the DIA? Or the BATFE?

    fuck! Not even the Keystone Kops!

    Where’s Woodward and Bernstein?

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