Obama immigration raids a potential ‘disaster’ for Hillary Clinton, Democrats – IOTW Report

Obama immigration raids a potential ‘disaster’ for Hillary Clinton, Democrats


Hispanics may rebel, sit out November vote, activists warn.

12 Comments on Obama immigration raids a potential ‘disaster’ for Hillary Clinton, Democrats

  1. Hitlery and Bernard will be sucking their buritos non-stop between now and November, then toss them into the garbage back in Mexico…i hope these people realize this as truth….

  2. “Americans want order and legality in immigration, not deportations and families forcibly split apart or exiled” huffed Luis ‘The Rat’ Gutierrez! Order and legality for millions who are disordered, illegal, crooks, thieves, forgers, liers, trespassers and murderers.
    It appears that if we don’t allow illegals to mass invade, and stay, the legal’s won’t be happy and won’t vote nicely!

  3. What a load of crap, I call BS! These token “raids” are just meaningless political theater to try and salvage some of the union votes.

    Mr “I’m not into political theater” only does political theater well.

  4. yeah, except that won’t happen. there will 50 years of Dem lawfare coming at us… meanwhile, they’ll be allowed to vote “for the experience” and if necessary, their provisional votes will count.

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