Cruz eligibility – IOTW Report

Cruz eligibility

Torey Dawn, always interesting, discusses the eligibility question. 

I suspect this issue will be discussed more and more as Cruz rises in the polls and Trump uses it as a weapon.


20 Comments on Cruz eligibility

  1. Or when McCain, who was born in Panama, ran for POTUS.

    Trump has been doing well partly because some people in the conservative community think he would have wanted Cruz as his running mate. That has apparently gone out the window with his latest comments on Cruz’ eligibility.

    This, I think, might be the start of where Trump begins to step on his own dick. I think that at minimum it will slow his rise in the polls. These new attitudes towards Cruz only alienate Trump and divide the vote – which will cause Hillary to win.

    The nail in the coffin for Trump will be if he nominates someone like Jesse Ventura for Vice President.

    Like all the rest of you I am watching the bread & circuses play out its political theater. 11 more months of this crap.

  2. Actually, Trump didn’t bring it up on his own. An interviewer asked him the question. He stated that he did not know. It was honest, because let’s face it, no one has presented a document which spells out the historical meaning of the Art. 2 natural-born qualification. Some think one thing, some swear it doesn’t matter at all, some think it’s settled “law”.
    The fact is that it has never been settled specifically. Not that I have been able to find anyway. And Rush was claiming that Trump was implying that Cruz wasn’t a citizen. Trump didn’t say such a thing at any point.
    The MEDIA wanted to bring it up, and so they threw it at Trump.

  3. If Trump resists the temptation to use this as a weapon, then Trump will emerge even stronger.

    I agree with Tsunami that Trump benefits from the possibility of a tandem that conservatives would love.
    He weakens a bit when you think of Trump with a possible unknown veep, a potentially bad pick.

    Trump doesn’t need me to say “be careful,” he’s been doing pretty good in life so far.

  4. Thanks for that awesome article. Shows that Trump knows WTF is going on.

    And this Cruz thing. The democrats (if Cruz won the primary) would beat Cruz with this like a red headed step child. Its best to get it out of the way now.

  5. I just watched the first part of Trump’s interview with wolfe blitzer this morning. BadBrad is right and Donald J. sets the record straight — again — with blitzer. He did not bring up the subject, the media did and — surprise! — tried to hang it around his neck. At whose behest, I don’t know. always interesting to me how quickly people will believe the media knowing full well what crapweasels they are.

    He gets the question less than 3 minutes in. Trump talks about the practical issues involved in the race if Cruz’s campaign is dogged by this non-issue. He suggests that Cruz goes to fed court and get a declaratory judgement to clear it up for once and all. Notice how blitzer keeps framing his comments with “You know, your critics blah, blah, blah..” Who cares what Trump’s critics are saying. I sure don’t.

  6. Yea but here’s the genius part. Trump blathers on, “I assume he’s eligible, he says he’s eligible, blah blah blah.” And then he pops this out, “What happens if he is our nominee and the Democrats sue? They could tie him up in courts for three or four years.”
    That was the topic of discussion on several news programs this morning.
    It’s not personal, it’s just business.

  7. ALL of them are assholes, now! where were any of them 7 years ago when the biggest asshole of them all spit in all of our faces and they stood by like broke dick dogs and did shit? barry’s supposed sperm donor isn’t a citizen here and adoption by another sperm donor doesn’t count, so WTF do anyone running today give a shit? FUCKSTICKS!

  8. That’s what Trump said, get it over with now and quickly. Sounds like Trump is interested in Cruz, maybe as VP? Could kill the brokered convention thing the GOPe is talking about. But Trump needs to follow precedent, have a VP who’s an idiot, so no one wants to knock off the Prez.

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