“But These Guns Go To 11” – Wookiee Goldberg is the Nigel Tufnel of Political Talk Show Hosts – IOTW Report

“But These Guns Go To 11” – Wookiee Goldberg is the Nigel Tufnel of Political Talk Show Hosts

Right after Whoopi says that “no one should have an automatic weapon,” and the audience applauds, Rand Paul explains to her that automatic weapons are illegal in America for the public to possess.

After he talks a bit more about the danger of executive powers, Whoopi says again, “no one should have automatic weapons.” And the audience applauds again.

Where is my FECKING H BOMB???  I really am getting sick and tired of people. I tried to pretend for awhile that I wasn’t the misanthrope I thought I was. Nope. I really, really hate *most* people.

Oh, here’s the Nigel Tufnel reference. This is how stupid Whoopi is

17 Comments on “But These Guns Go To 11” – Wookiee Goldberg is the Nigel Tufnel of Political Talk Show Hosts

  1. So Whoopi got lucky and escaped the ghetto. Did the comedy routine, made a couple movies. Now she’s on a whacked talk show. Obviously this qualifies her as a rocket surgeon capable of mastering all things cerebral. Except gas fed semi automatic weapons. What’s even worse is the applause she received from all the brain dead white women.

  2. Aside from my delight in disagreeing with Goldberg and Bayer,I feel sad that these two have a great influence on the public and they know absolutely nothing about the Constitution. They did not grasp what Rand Paul was saying. And they never will.

  3. “There is a story,often told, that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates created. His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.” The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health.”
    Dr.Richard Beeman, Ph.D, University of Pennsylvania

  4. Yea, what ever she owns she’s obviously hell on wheels with it. The stereotypical type person that should not own a firearm. One of these days she’ll shoot her dick off and it will be the guns fault.

  5. Isn’t Poopie another one with armed body guards? Seem to remember reading that. Guns are only for those special people like Poopie who are better than the rest of us.

  6. Not that it completely matters, but the most of that applause is canned. You can tell because most of the time it cuts off abruptly. They don’t even bother trying to fool anyone anymore.

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