Krisanne Hall gives an impassioned speech about what is going on in Oregon. It’s about the federal government simply creating unconstitutional laws, powers and agencies and no one really paying attention or caring or understanding.

There is a moment in this speech where you could feel the founders stir, resurrect and give her an amen.




  1. That was inspiring. It shines a bright light on the importance of low information voters (lofos) to the liberal D.C. insider establishment up to and including the GOPe.

  2. …and so, friends, I challenge you now to get a copy of the constitution and READ it, so that we are all at least half as smart as Krisanne. Keep a pocket-sized copy with you in the glove box of your car, or ladies, in your purse. Pull it out when confronted with idiotic notions from libtards. Have extra pocket-sized copies on hand as a leave-behind for the libtard. Educating ourselves and others is crucial, before it is too late. I actually just challenged my 21-year-old yesterday to read the constitution…now I’m going after the others. Pretty sure that the one taking AP US History in high school right now is learning zero about the constitution but getting plenty of info on how horrible the founders were.

  3. Bingo, Big Fur. I like Cruz because I’m pretty sure he’s read both the Bible AND the constitution (and people who don’t understand how the two are intertwined are clueless). Pretty sure Trump has read neither, so he definitely needs a tutor like Krisanne.

    Trump might be an ignorant blowhard, but he instinctively gets what is happening — that our country is being taken over. I think he’s not a “real Republican,” nor a conservative, and for that very reason, I think he can attract dissatisfied Dems and independents to win the presidential election. My political fantasy is that Trump picks Cruz as his running mate (the establishment Republicans’ worst nightmare — ha!) and then Cruz serves as Trump’s constitutional tutor for the next two terms/eight years, keeping him in check as he fixes/shrinks the clown fight that is DC. When Trump is done, Cruz runs for president and is elected to two terms. So 16 years of Cruz! That is my dream scenario.

  4. There is a link to a letter from a Judge in Alaska who really would be perfect as the Attorney General.Anna Maria Riezinger, also known as Anna von Reitz.

    She wrote a letter to the sheriffs in this Hammond/Bundy/Land rights situation which gets into the weeds, but is still amazingly enlightening.

    These two women are standing in the flames that are burning down this country crying out to the sheeple (and I regretfully count myself among the group) to stand up and do something. I guess I just don’t know what I can do???

  5. Remember the old bumper sticker: “Think Globally, Act Locally”? There’s your answer. Maybe someone here will remember who said that we are essentially kings of our realm if we can persuade just one other person to our point of view. It might have been President Reagan, a mighty persuader himself.

    Ms. Hall gets down to the bedrock of our plight in only nine and some minutes. I’m sure she could have done it in four. And her approach to it is exactly, precisely what I have had a difficult time articulating — that anything, everything argued outside the “supreme law of the land” is pure noise. The biggest problem we face as Constitutional Republicans is that so, so many people do not believe the constitution is real. They behave like the recent example of German feminazis blaming their own German-born countrymen for the rapes committed by islamic terrorist refugees. They simply believe whatever they want to believe in face of reality. And this is the conundrum that Reagan is famous for: “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    IMO, as ironic as it is, it will take a massive shift at the federal level to restore right thinking in this country. But it starts with convincing only one other person of the reality of the constitution.

  6. Everyone knows the Constitution is real – they also know it’s a dead letter. Since Wilson – Roosevelt, for sure – the Constitution is largely ignored by all three branches of our “gov’t” and that is not likely to change. This is one reason the Constitution is no longer taught in school and is no longer discussed by pundits and politicians. It becomes glaringly obvious how completely the Constitution has been trashed by Demonrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, and everyone else. Socialism is so ingrained into our governance that we no longer even think of ourselves as being sovereign and our elected and appointed maggots as being answerable to us – our agents, assigns, and representatives!

    Where does the Constitution allow marriage, much less, pervert marriage?
    Where does the Constitution allow the bureaucracy to dictate our toilet flush capacity?
    Where does the Constitution allow for the protection of the “environment?”
    Where does the Constitution allow for the Legislature to pawn off its authorities onto Executive agencies?

  7. Trump an “ignorant blowhard”? Hardly. Sorry, Tired Mom, but by speculating that, you can’t help but insult his supporters as gullible goobs. The Rasmussen poll today reports that 67% of likely Republican voters believe — based on their own support of him — he will be the Republican nominee. I’ve found that anyone who agrees with the statement that he is an “ignorant blowhard” — however they couch that statement, like “may be” — has not listened to more than ten minutes of even one of his stump speeches and has, instead, been listening to hume or krauthammer — or kelly, kristol, or any number of running dogs on network and cable tee vee.


  8. Miss that article did you? It’s under the dictatorial powers given to the President by a willful bunch of idiots educated in public asylums called schools. The section is called doing whatever the fuck I want.

  9. Kris’s Ann hall speaks nonsense,. She is t a a
    Leftal attorney,. And no qualifications to the title of constitutional scholar. Let alone teacher. She just talks ji berish,. Which is why she has written to papers in legal journals, nor even tried to defend her beliefs in any Court on any case because she would be laughed out of town. She claims she is a originalist. There have been 225 years from the beginning of real Court cases disavowing everything she claims.
    She is a imaginary fantasy legal professional,. Like the soverign citizens.superior Court Justice Bruce Doucette and his pretend federal Marshalls. Just right for the poorly informed and educated

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