Expect More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims To Emerge in the Next Year – IOTW Report

Expect More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims To Emerge in the Next Year

Insiders who’ve written about Bill Clinton’s licentiousness say to expect more victims to speak out as Bill closes in, once again, on the white house.

The leftist line is that Bill is not running, Hillary is.

Yes, morons, we understand that. The story here is not that Bill Clinton is a scumbag. it’s that Hillary is the scumbag enabler. It will be like discovering that Camille Cosby supplied Bill Cosby with the roofies.

These women are expected to tell their stories about how it was Hillary’s job to silence these women with every means available in order to protect her own personal way of life.

Hillary wasn’t into Bill. She was into what Bill provided, sexual assault victims be damned.

Supposedly, these women aren’t going to sit idly by and watch this injustice once again.

I’m not hoping there are more victims. That would be an odd wish. I’m hoping we saw the totality of Clinton’s depravity. But if these women are out there, I hope they come forward.

Story HERE.

Graphic by JC-74fd11b0-aebd-454d-beab-7f8f13686c2f

11 Comments on Expect More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims To Emerge in the Next Year

  1. Hillary Clinton could get on the stage and declare that her husband is a rapist, a liar, a cheater, and a crook, all the while Bill himself rapes a woman in the ass on stage next to her. Then she will declare she is a proud lesbian, Chelsea was adopted, and that Huma will be the next FLOTUS….

    Her supporters won’t care, they will cheer her, and vote for her.

  2. Believe it or not, a lot of prog men don’t like her. I read that in the comment sections of the leftard blogs. They’re either with sanders or still thinking about it. It’s hilarious.

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