Pen and Phone President Warns That If He Sets Precedent On Executive Action, Future President’s Could Play Politics And Do Same – IOTW Report

Pen and Phone President Warns That If He Sets Precedent On Executive Action, Future President’s Could Play Politics And Do Same

Audacity of Dope

Mr. Executive power is suddenly wary that executive action is too risky because the precedent might cause future presidents to wield the power too politically.

Obama’s on the pot again.

So, what was the issue that gave pause to Obama whipping out his pen?

Obama administration wary of power to strip Cosby of Presidential Medal of Freedom – because they think future Congresses, presidents might play politics.

Bill Cosby with Hank Aaron at the 2002 White House ceremony in which they were both awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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20 Comments on Pen and Phone President Warns That If He Sets Precedent On Executive Action, Future President’s Could Play Politics And Do Same

  1. It’s a symbolic medal. Cosby is a freak, he doesn’t and never has deserved award, take it from him. It not as if Cosby is going to be hurt financially or people will lose their guns and get killed by illegals.

  2. Doucheolini is just worried that they’re going to wise up and take away his Lebon Peace Prize. These freaking elites are so attached to the trinkets and baubles they give each other, it is pathetic. The power and the money are not enough, I guess,

  3. The cheering fucktards today are going to be the wailing fucktards come next year when their beloved executive actions are recinded. Typical libtard not understanding consequences of their actions.

  4. He’s a punchline to jokes 5 years from now. Everywhere. When people are safe from audits, zit rampages, and hashtag swarms.

    The most utterly incompetent anything I have ever seen.

    This loser would lose money on a one horse race.

  5. I wish that were the case. If he actually does give up the throne, and I’ll believe it when I see it, the press will declare him De Facto Presidento For Life. No matter what the next president says, they’ll run to Obama for their “official word” and we’ll have to endure him while they adore him forever.

  6. Wait a minute…are you telling me that dummy 0bama just figured this out? Seriously? Come on. I mean, I know he is distracted by his reflection, his voice, MSM news of himself, he himself, his Body Odor, his butt cheeks, old answering machine recordings of his call messages back to 2008 and his own farts…but really, he just figured this out? Really?

  7. Barry the U.S. Constitutional expert. Yea. Right. Thank God for the genius of the Founding Fathers. They knew an a** like Barry would expose himself as a dictator, becaue he would overuse the executive order. Only a communist tool would habitually ignore Congress, the Constitution and the sovereign will of the people.
    The chaos Obama created by executive order can be overturned by the next president, IF he honors the Oath of Office. Any destruction resulting from Obama’s phone and pen executive orders is blood on his hands alone.

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