Mayor Jim Kenney is the New Anthony Weiner – Angry, Out of Control, Big Mouth – IOTW Report

Mayor Jim Kenney is the New Anthony Weiner – Angry, Out of Control, Big Mouth

Mark my words, Jim Kenney has skeletons, and when you’re this much of an a-hole those skeletons make it to the light of day. Ask Anthony Weiner.


Here’s a profile of Jim Kenney in tweets:

Chris Christie is sitting on his very fat ass next to Jerry Jones in his box at the [Lincoln Financial Field]. You suck! Kissing Texas ass for 2016! Awful!” Councilman Jim Kenney, a Democrat, tweeted to his 5,300 followers Sunday night, a local CBS affiliate first reported.

In another tweet, the councilman called Mr. Christie a “creep” and told him to “go home.”

-Washington Times

To Lou Dobbs –

@loudobbsnews You are a large asshole! Crawl back under your rock. You are a hater and a creep hiding behind your microphone. You cancelled?

Talking about Penguins hockey star Sidney Crosby–

Cindy Crosby is just a talented little puke face! You just want to backhand him all the time.

And I saw a tweet that I cannot find. It was from 2012 that said something about “asshole conservative bigots.”

I don’t even think Weiner went that far.

Kenney, who is unmarried and has a very private life (cough), is putting a target on his back.



31 Comments on Mayor Jim Kenney is the New Anthony Weiner – Angry, Out of Control, Big Mouth

  1. That cop gets the Bad Brad Bad Ass Award of Bad Assness. 3 rounds through the left arm and chases Mr Alloha Snack bar down and shoots him twice I the ass. I’m buying the drinks.

  2. As FDR said in a previous post…

    “Jimmy pandered to Philly Moslems to get elected. Now, he owes them big-time.”

    Kenney is de Blasio with a Liberty Bell.
    Bad, bad news for Philadelphia. 🙁

  3. This is a bad time to be a cop.
    Never heard of shooting a cop before.
    Even in the old west they gave you a chance to draw.
    I hope no one starts shooting Muslims
    That would be terrible
    Just walk right up and shoot one. That’s just nuts.

  4. Hey Brad
    What would you do if you were by yourself in a car and some
    started shooting at your car?
    We practiced this at the gun range and it is some scary shit.
    The instructor told us never to fasten the seat belt until
    you are on your way.
    The belt makes it very hard to duck,cover and shoot.
    I always buckle up, but now I wait till I’m moving.
    That cop must have practiced to get off his shots.

  5. That wasn’t it.

    Philadelphia mayor’s first act is to make Philly a Sanctuary City
    Before taking office on Monday as the 99th mayor of Philadelphia, the 57-year old Democrat served on the City Council for more than two decades before being elected mayor in November.

    During his time as a councilman, Kenney worked on inequality, immigration, gay rights and criminal justice reform.

  6. Top Ten Reasons to Vote DemocRat:

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you love the fact that you can now marry whatever and whomever you want… so you’ve decided to marry your German Shepherd!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you believe oil company’s’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you believe the government can do a better job of spending it than you can!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz Freedom of Speech is a good idea as long as nobody, especially muzlimz are offended by it!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you are waaay too irresponsible to have a gun, and you know that your local police are all you need to protect you from murderers and thieves (who have guns). You’re also thankful that we have a wonderful 911 service that will get the police to your home quickly in order to identify your body after a home invasion!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you’re not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as all those death row inmates are kept alive, cozy and comfy!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you think illegal aliens and the “Gimme my free shit” crowd have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security, while benefits are taken away from the hard-working over taxed payer who pays for them!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you believe that businesses should NOT be allowed to make profits for themselves. Small business needs to lose money in order to allow the government to give it all away for redistribution as the DemocRATs see fit… (votes)!

    Vote DemocRAT cuz you believe liberal door-knob judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit the fringe kooks who never would or could get their agendas past the voters!

    And finally, vote DemocRAT cuz you love to hear agenda-driven, muzlim-loving, political hacks talk outta their ass like Kenny here!!

  7. Philadelphia deserves the full effect of what it asked for in November . 238,664 votes were counted for Mayor in that “election”. Queen James won with 203,740 votes recorded or 85.36% of the total. The closest finisher was the Republican with 31,563 or 13.22%.

    I would highly recommend that those 31,563 and all Philly cops get the hell out of Philadelphia – sooner rather than later.

    As for me, after reviewing those “election” numbers, I could never feel sorry for anyone who chooses to be left behind in that death wish of a city.

  8. He’s been suckin off the feral gang-bangers … takes the limo down to the ghetto and pays em to fuck him in the ass – THEN he sucks em off … it’ll come out sooner or later.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

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