New Poll Confirms Mr. Pinko’s Trump Election Theory – IOTW Report

New Poll Confirms Mr. Pinko’s Trump Election Theory

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump

About 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they would buck the party and vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a general election, according to a new poll.
The willingness of some Democrats to change sides could be a major problem for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton this fall.
The new figures were released by Mercury Analytics, a research company with clients that include MSNBC and Fox News, as the result of an online poll and dial-test of Trump’s first campaign ad.
A smaller number of Republicans say they’d vote for Clinton
Mr. Pinko’s Trump vs. Cruz article here

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22 Comments on New Poll Confirms Mr. Pinko’s Trump Election Theory

  1. Pleasant surprise. I’d have thought that anyone with such a flawed perception of reality and human nature who was still a Democrat would have his limited number of brain cells filled with climate change, income inequality, and vegan hamburgers.

  2. I figure there are more than one kind of Democrat. One is the welfare sucking, vote to keep the bribes coming, leach on society . Another is the union worker. He at least works to receive his union boss’s kickbacks. Another is the true dimwit believer. It is not inconceivable to believe some these lofo, self interested voters are sufficiently repulsed by the lying, traitorous self proclaimed royal bladder that is their party’s designated bitch in waiting.

  3. Uncle Al, True, but money in the bank is a good thing. I read an article a couple days ago that stated 4 out of 5 households are a pay check away from being on the street. Seem a little drastic, but bottom line is things aren’t good. People want jobs. If Trump were to pivot and get back on the economy he’d be at 60%.

  4. I can confirm what Brad says. I am fortunate to be employed full-time in a secure, bullet-proof civil service job with good benefits, but I can barely pay my bills. The combination of a stagnant salary, insane levels of taxation, and skyrocketing prices is killing me.

    The funny thing is I’m already living a somewhat pinch penny existence. Only take staycations, rarely eat out, only clothes I buy are to replace garments that have worn out, etc. And I’m still sucking wind every other Wednesday.

  5. It was probably only 10% Dem defectors before the cry-bully cried his crocodile tears about guns. That cost whatever 2A Dems still remained, because they know Hillary likes the Australian Solution as much as Obama.

  6. stagnant wages are hurting everyone, R or D
    high food and energy prices (not counted in inflation) are hurting everyone, R or D
    AND!!! AND !!!
    0bamacare is hurting people equally R AND D.

    Trump is speaking, largely, to both R or D, so this is not surprising.

    he has been mentioning this somewhat in his rallys. The protesters get hauled out and Trump says that if he had some time to sit and talk to those protesters, he would stand a good chance to convince them that they have common ground – the country that we all live in is in trouble. No matter what political ideologies they have they likely actually would agree with Trump if they took the time to listen.

  7. We need these Democrats to switch sides because of all the GOP establishment saying that they will never vote for Donald Trump. But, they will not vote for Hillary either. So that is gain. Fools!

  8. Let me be clear about the GOP establishment. These assholes made me pull the lever for John McCain and Mitt Romney these past 8 years. Now they’re saying if Donald Trump is the candidate they will not pull the lever. That is the big problem here and that is why Donald Trump will probably become president. They have their heads up their asses. And I’ve had quite enough of this b*******. Donald Trump isn’t even my first choice but if he is the candidate I will gladly pull the lever for him.

  9. For what it’s worth the IG warriors have flipped a bitch and done a 180 on Trump. 4 months ago it was all Rand Paul and one by one you could see them change their minds. Another point, it’s been said that when polling Republicans a lot of them don’t admit they like Trump.Jeez what do you think your average Dems reaction is when asked?

  10. Read the interview at BB of the SEIU boss tell Axlerod the majority of their blue collar workers support Trump.

    These are BHO’s stormtroopers and the rabid lefties that run the union are freakin out.

    The rank and file fear losing their jobs, or accepting stagnant wages, due to unchecked immigration.

    I think Trump support is much deeper that most realize or will admit.

  11. Donald – stop already. You have my vote locked up. Anybody who judges the mood of the electorate and incorporates that into what you promise to deliver is already so far out in front that he is almost invincible.

    I really do not care that some of what he is campaigning on MAY not be what are his beliefs. This man is promising to deliver what he see’s as the mood of the electorate and he is sharp enough to understand that if he delivers he will be a God to those who elected him and me thinks this is going to be a landslide election.

    This is a man focused on winning and he has been all his life. He has gone around the media and is LISTENING to the American people and as such he is anathema to the elites.

    His base is deep and it is wide and he has the horsepower to get his face on television regardless of the filters in place. If you want ratings… you do the math. And he is not going to be cowed once he gets there.

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