It Was Little Debbie’s Idea To Flood the SOTU With Muslims – IOTW Report

It Was Little Debbie’s Idea To Flood the SOTU With Muslims

From American Thinker a month ago-

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee and Florida congresswoman, has joined with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the first  Muslim elected to Congress, calling on colleagues to take a Muslim to the State of the Union.  The hapless and clueless Democrat wants to align the Democratic Party with Muslims and simultaneously patronize the followers of Mohammed.

Read more:

Debbie is following through-

Wasserman Schultz hopes to combat prejudice, make political point about Republicans by inviting Muslim constituent to State of Union

Is this really a winning strategy for the left?

34 Comments on It Was Little Debbie’s Idea To Flood the SOTU With Muslims

  1. This SHOULD completely doom the Democrat Party forever. Let’s hope there are more Americans fed up with this on both sides of the political aisle than the media reflects.

  2. Male SS to Debbie, “did you pack your own purse? Has anyone given you anything to bring? Has your purse been out of your sight at any time?….

    Debbie to SS: You flaming patriarchal cisgender misogynist…….BOOM!

  3. Is this really a winning strategy for the left?

    Is running one of the most dishonest, deceitful, duplicitous, rotten-ass politicians whose dishonesty is only exceeded by her unparalleled, unbridled greed a winning strategy?
    Is ruining city after city controlled for decades by defecRats a winning strategy?
    Is shitting where you eat a winning strategy?
    Apparently it is if yer a defecRat!!

  4. And the Dhimmos are WONDERING why fewer and fewer voters support their misbegotten, psychotically impaired, suicidal gang? DUH keep up this strategy….learn lessons the very very hard way, shitheads….

  5. Geez. And we wonder what they’re thinking?!
    “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Romans 1:21.
    Excellent chapter. I know this is posted often but doesn’t it explain their thinking? Or I should say non-thinking.
    Like when God told Noah…How long can you tread water?!
    Uh oh. Old Billy C said that. It’s still funny!

  6. As if any further proof of the treasonous aspects of the Demonrat Party were needed … but to invite the sworn enemies of God, Western Civilization, America, and decency into the bosom of socialism?

    All of the Oligarchs in the same place at the same time?

    All three branches of the FedGov, gathered in one spot?

    What an opportunity for the forces of evil! Particularly now that Obola’s given them nukes and chemical weapons!

    Ollie’s Snackbar!

  7. I agree, Trump should stay away. But in a perfect world the GOP should enlist him for the rebuttal.
    They were interviewing Tom McClintock on the radio this morning and they asked him what to expect from Barry tonight. He says, “Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is bad. Letting terrorists in is good. Then 45 minutes of I,I,I,I,me,me,me. There, I just saved you and hour.”
    Pretty funny.

  8. “… but to invite the sworn enemies of God, Western Civilization, America, and decency into the bosom of socialism?”

    No choice really, he’s the one giving the speech.

  9. Even Richard Dawkins one of the world’s biggest atheists is beginning to believe that Christianity is preferable to Islam. He may not believe in God but he knows that we Christians are far more preferable than muslims to a civilized world.. This comes from an article in today’s website

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