Were these people and things contemporaries? – IOTW Report

Were these people and things contemporaries?

I remember seeing some footage of luminaries coming to DC when JFK was lying in state and Harry Truman showed up.

It was weird because I thought Truman had died already.

So here’s a quiz I put together. See if you can guess if they were alive at the same time.

  1. Were Martin Luther King and Lizzie Borden alive at the same time?
  2. Were Adam West (Batman) and Wyatt Earp alive at the same time?
  3. Were Henry Fonda and Geronimo alive at the same time?
  4. Were Abraham Lincoln and Grandma Moses alive at the same time?
  5. Were Jennifer Lopez and Billie Burke (The Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz) alive at the same time?
  6. Were Bobby Jindal and Jim Morrison alive at the same time?
  7. Could Duane Allman have seen The Godfather?
  8. Could silent film star Harold Lloyd have heard the song I Think I Love You by The Partridge Family?
  9. Could Barry Goldwater have heard of Monica Lewinsky?
  10. Could Sonny Bono have seen the Blair Witch Project?
  11. Could Elvis Presley have heard the song Barracuda by Heart?
  12. Could Albert Einstein have seen a Playboy magazine?
  13. Could James Dean have heard Elvis Presley’s version of Hound Dog?
  14. Did H.G. Wells know of the bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  15. Did Ho Chi Minh see the first moon landing?
  16. Did Dwight D. Eisenhower see the first moon landing?
  17. Did the Birdman of Alcatraz know of JFK’s assassination?
  18. Could Hemingway have read To Kill a Mockingbird?
  19. Could John Lennon have heard of MTV?
  20. Could Alfred Hitchcock have seen the movie Alien?



10 Comments on Were these people and things contemporaries?

  1. Since BFH’s link doesn’t work and I had some free time on my hands, plus an abundance of curiosity, I looked them up. The answers are: 1 no, 2 yes, 3 yes, 4 yes, 5 yes, 6 no, 7no, 8 yes, 9 yes, 10 no, 11 yes, 12 yes, 13 no, 14 yes, 15 yes, 16 no, 17 no, 18 yes, 19 no, 20 yes.

    Interesting that some were decided by just a few days. Just one day in the case of #17. My initial guesses were 10 out of 20 correct.

  2. I’m thinking that questions 14 and 15 cannot absolutely be answered “yes” on the basis of birth and death dates alone, because they start with “did” instead of “could”.

    Ya know…?


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