Hey Ted Cruz – New York Values – IOTW Report

Hey Ted Cruz – New York Values

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94 Comments on Hey Ted Cruz – New York Values

  1. I sincerely hope not, but that’s how a lot of us hayseeds out here in the hinterlands perceive “New York values” because it is the corrupt tyrants and morons like these that we are exposed to by the press as being representative of NY values.

  2. Trump’s values differ from the values of most of Albany, the NYC council, Sheldon Silver’s values, Mayor DeBlasio’s and Mayor Bloomberg’s values. That’s what Cruz was referring to, in my opinion.
    BTW. That flag was stolen from a boat docked in the harbor by some firemen. The owned let it go.
    Only Megan Kelly and other Trump and Cruz haters are making a big deal about this “New York values” shit. I’m a proud New Yorker and I know that Cruz meant. It means that we can’t elect a decent person into office because of New York values.
    So fuck off .

  3. This is one of the MANY reasons why Trump is the better candidate than Cruz. Cruz hasn’t a chance in hell to win NY. TRUMP can actually take New York in the general election. In fact, Trump can win the general in a landslide. Cruz has a way less chance of beating a Democrat in the general election. The media KILLS Cruz!
    Trump SCREWS the establishment GOP. We get a wall, fix immigration, fix our economy. WAKE UP!

  4. Trump my first choice, Cruz is my second. I still stick by Trump – he’s my GOP FUCK YOU vote!
    That NY statement by Cruz is still divisive on it’s stupid face value. I’m smart enough to know what he means but I dumb myself down to the idiot voters level and see the divisiveness of the remark. It doesn’t help Cruz. He fucked up. Trump will TROUNCE Hillary in the general election.

  5. Cruz listened to stupid focus groups with that NY values line. He fucked up trying to go toe to toe with Trump. Watch the polls. Trump had the best debate yet and he does not debate well.

  6. The thing is, that sword can cut both ways. While That remark by Cruz may not play well with some New Yorkers, it won’t be seen as a negative by most people outside of NY. I’m sure Cruz is smart enough to realize that it is very unlikely that NY would be in play for him in the primary or general election anyway, so in a sense there really isn’t much if any downside to the characterization when it’s viewed in those terms. And even you admit that you understand what he meant by it and that ts really wasn’t insulting to the good, conservative people that are trapped in NY and surrounded by communist idiots (calling Snake Plisskin)..

  7. Isn’t it interesting how touchy these “New York” folks are when someone questions even some of the positions held by a majority of folks in New York. I guess toughness and a thick skin are not part of those “New York Values” they are trying to defend.

    The problem with New York is simple; it’s an apple barrel with some good apples, but you have to be careful cause there are more rotten ones then good. Whereas there are many other parts of the country where the opposite is true.

    But hey I wouldn’t expect anything other than New Yorkers to pick one of their own if given a chance.

  8. Pr. Pinko, I agree with you. It was a dumb statement by Cruz and doubling down on it was even stupider. That he is doing this surprises me. He isn’t a dumb guy. I still prefer Cruz over Trump. I think picking this unneccesary fight stengthens the chance Trump could win NY. Call me conspiratorial but could that be the reason he made it. On another note :The Donald” looked low-brow when he attacked Bush. Bush is already dead meat. I don’t think Trump helps himself by kicking the carcass.

  9. Fox News is based in New York. Many great Conservatives in New York.
    It was a DUMB STATEMENT. It showed prejudice for “Northerners” and it was a very divisive statement. Obama pulls shit like that.

  10. Truth be told, I’d like to see a 1 v 1 with Trump and Cruz on the Constitution of the United States.

    The Constitution was what the country was founded upon.

    I’d also like to see Mark Levin be the moderator.

  11. Trump needs to kick the carcass OFF the STAGE or Reince Priebus is going to pull a stunt in the primaries. Bush and Rubio are the GOPs golden boys funded by the GOP.

  12. It is nice to see that Trump does seem to learn and improve as he goes. He did do a nice job in the debate and while I think he has done pretty well in all of them, overall he did seem a bit more polished in his answers and demeanor last night. I think Cruz has improved overall as well.

    I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to step into the job fully prepared for the position as President of America and Commander in Chief of our armed forces. How quickly one learns and adapts (not compromise) to the office is critical for success. Obama hasn’t learned a thing being in the office (in his mind the office was beneath him anyway) – he’s the same old self aggrandizing, narcissistic, self impressed, unaccomplished gas bag he was when he took the oaths that he fully intended to violate in 2009.

    I think Trump and Cruz both have the tools to assimilate successfully to the job in pretty short order.

  13. I backed Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and supported Ted Cruz. He was my #1 pick until I got to sit down with him for 2 hours and pick his brain.


    Donald Trump SCREWS the establishment GOP and changes the POLITICAL landscape. He’s a NAME BRAND that can annihilate the Dems in the general election. Cruz is a Conservative who has, in the past, been destroyed by the media.

  14. Conservatives everywhere are generally bright enough to know what Cruz meant already. If “divisiveness” is dividing the conservatives from the progressives / liberals in NY, I’m all for it and I would suspect that most conservatives in NY are OK with it as well. Obama’s only “success” as president is sowing the seeds of dissension among all Americans based on the most shallow of characteristics as is typical of “community organizers”.

  15. I’m trying to think of a single state, locale or culture Trump has denigrated and the only thing I can come up with is politicians, lobbyists, media, illegals, extreme islamic terrorists and Wall Street/Coc — all the same targets conservatives hate. He hates commies and socialists, but he doesn’t even hit “liberals” that hard on the stump. It used to annoy me that he didn’t go use the term progressive or hate on their dogma by name until I realized what he was doing — and it isn’t because he doesn’t know what they’re doing.

    It’s a small thing — but apparently big enough to Cruz or somewhere uppermost in his head — to slam northeastern sensibilities, but it opens a can of worms for him that he didn’t need to open. And it was stupid. Trump goes to deep blue enclaves and draws enormous crowds. He’s got stupifying numbers already, so you’d think he could afford to be careless about dissing some American voters, but he never does. He even tries to reach out to his hecklers at times.

    What am I saying? Big or small issue, Cruz went after the voters instead of keeping it neutral or even attempting to turn them. That’s old school, politics-as-usual. It’s politicking. It’s old.

    Many Trump detractors are saying that he appeals to crossovers because he himself is ideologically confused. Huh uh. He’s doing what the GOPe says is their greatest desire yet goes hammer and tongs to defeat. They’re even doing it to their own base. Because they are liars. As smart as he is, Cruz should have known better than to think he could win converts by disrespecting them. I don’t care if “everyone” knows what he meant. It’s the old I-can-hate-my-brother but you better I’ll beat the tar out of anyone who says a thing against him.

  16. Cruz meant New York values for every liberal that has turned the state and city into the crap hole it is becoming once again since Rudy sadly left office as a great Mayor. All Trump is, is a man who is clever at being everything you want to hear but in no way is he a Conservative or ever was one. This guy is Obama with a huge set of balls. Everything is going to run smoother in America but ignoring rule of law and the Constitution will make Obama’s law breaking look like we were watching a pee wee football game. You people believing Trump is the guy are the same suckers who believed in all the hope and change from dear leader. He may be the next president so enjoy living under a continued dictatorship with him in charge.

  17. Well I was formulating an answer going through the comments but you’ve nailed what I felt last night watching this AA. There was no reason for Cruz to double down-he could have easily slipped that gotcha question but choose otherwise.

    He shot himself in the foot for no reason. He didn’t have much of a chance to win NY before, now it’s zero. And this is exactly why Trump is, by far, the better and most electable candidate.

  18. I don’t know which is worse, someone who believes in a prog utopia or someone who believes we are only one election away from a pure Constitutional Republic. Both are deluded.

    As for Trump being a dictator, he can’t even run his own businesses using that model. And they’ve been highly successful.

  19. Folks…FOLKS!!! Don’t take this personally!

    I think this “NY values” (CRUZ) issue,
    just as with “some have raised the natural born citizen issue” (TRUMP)
    are merely political kabuki.

    And, not only that, but kabuki (posturing) between two guys who CLEARLY have some sort of agreement going on behind the scenes.

    The only difference I see between the two “issues” is that
    1) Cruz’s about Trump is “personal” and not political, while
    2) Trump’s about Cruz is political, and something the Dems WILL bring up if Cruz is the nominee. In that sense Trump is innoculating Cruz on the issue before the Dems get a chance.

    Sure, each wants to win.
    But I’m not seeing the “going for the jugular” in either against the other.

  20. It isn’t that Cruz will lose NY — though he will if he gets to that point. No, he’d also lose VT, NH, ME, CT, MA and all the other surrounding states because if you look at a map, they all have the same “NY Values” (wink, wink). On top of that, he’d definitely lose all of the purple states and some of the blue states who have voters (20% and rising by some estimates) who would vote R with a Trump nominee. And I sure as heck don’t hear a D candidate agreeing with Trump on anything. That means only one thing: Registered D’s are rethinking their own values.

  21. Well said, AA.

    This guy is just another chump who never learned the meaning of

    “the perfect is the enemy of the good”*

    and is willing to LOSE ONCE AGAIN in the name of staying “pure.”

    * WFBuckley said it something like, “the most Conservative candidate WHO CAN WIN”
    …that last part being CRITICAL!

  22. Well put, Czar! You captured the circumstances of both “issues.” Frankly, Cruz (and his supporters) should be very thankful Trump brings up the eligibility question now within the safety of pre-primaries. He could have remained mum on it and let Cruz slam headlong into a certain legal proceeding brought by the D’s. And you better believe the D’s will pull every dirty, dirt bag trick they can on the R nominee. Trump’s right — it’s irresponsible for Cruz to whistle past the graveyard knowing full well the ‘rats will go for the low-hanging fruit.

  23. Out her in Flyover Land, New York Values represent a people so infantalized and helpless, they can’t even buy soda pop or play fantasy football, without the blessing of a retard from the Poli Sci department. They also represent a people who


    to the rest of America. 9-11 was a long time ago. Once upon a time I gave a flying fluke about New Yorkers. I no longer do, precisely because New York values are no longer American values.

  24. Don’t ever believe we are one election from a pure constitutional Republic, but it’s nice to elect someone who actually understands what it means. And Trump ain’t that man.

  25. Start with his wonderful stance on property right’s. Or the lack of believing in them when he himself wants other people’s property. He is a progressive and the conservatives have been suckered into his fake hype just like Obama suckered the people to elect that man.

  26. Pinko,

    New York is a solid blue state that not even Trump will win.
    I respect NYC’ers, because I think they are tough, but until they give Schumer and Blazzie the boot, I don’t respect their choice in leadership since Gulliani.

    People like Blazzie, Cumo, Schumer, and Obama always win in NY because of mass voter fraud. Busloads of Dems ride around to multiple districts and vote multiple times, often by the thousands. Same goes in Detroit and Illinois. It’s been caught on camera.

  27. Let’s not forget that dorks with New York values elected a dictator in Bloomberg, then a communist in deBlasio as mayor of their city. I’d say Cruz had it just about right.

  28. I read the linked piece and you make a point, but I still do not trust Donald Trump. He comes across too much like an establishment candidate on steroids. He is preaching all manner of things conservatives want now while in the primaries, but I fully see him pivoting when it comes to the general election and peddling some pap about trying to show how doing so allows “all of us to be involved in making America great again”.

    In the end, it will be a fruitless exercise in trying to screen the establishment while the “Donald” uses his newfound position and power to possibly do a few of the things he promised, those things that aren’t too controversial, but in the end it will be about furthering crony capitalism and assisting the establishment in furthering the Democrat agenda.

    Sorry, but Donald Trump has said nothing and cannot say anything to change that opinion, only actions are honest to know how a man will be when given such an opportunity. And Donald Trump is just a candidate who will either self-destruct during the general and usher in another Democrat or get elected and just further the same old agenda himself. At some point all those positions he has abandoned from his past will be revisited and reestablished.

    I just fear the outpouring of anger that will result from such an extreme betrayal.

  29. Now you know what we conservatives in Minnesota deal with.

    Psychotic Governors, Blair Walsh, retarded senators, DFL communists, loser presidential candidates (thank goodness for that)…… the list is long

    Minnesota values as a whole suck but that ain’t me.

  30. Attention butthurt Yankees acting all “offended” by what Ted said.
    Two words: De Blasio
    Two more: Bloom berg
    Or we could try a little experiment first introduced by Jesus a couple thousand years ago, and see who wants to “cast the first stone” because I’m sure none of you famously polite and sensitive New Yorkers have ever made any kind of disparaging remark about The South or those of us “down here”!

  31. I’ve read all these great, I mean great comments! And I wish Ted would read them all. I would vote for Ted or Donald and would like to vote for them both on the same ticket.
    They could each learn a lot from one another and working together could be great!

  32. And if Cruz didn’t fight back Trump supporters would be saying Cruz is a wimp. So there’s that.

    BTW; Trump has also said about Cruz ‘not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba’ a slam on Teds faith. Not cool!

  33. I don’t think it’s divisive at all. After all, it has unified both you, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton and the New York Daily News. That’s pretty unifying in a “reach across the aisle” kind of way.


  34. Cruz doesn’t need liberal democrat votes. He will bring out the millions of evangelicals that stayed home with Romney. And he will get the Reagan democrats. It’s settled science!

  35. No, Hambone, we got stuck with Shrillary thanks to the lame Republican party’s failure to run a decent candidate against her. First it was Rick fat-lip Lazio (who the Stupid Party would later try to force on us again in the gubernatorial race that got us stuck with another Cuomo) and the 2nd time around some dopey and corrupt hack whose name I can’t even remember now, and also due to my state’s problem with widespread leftist voter fraud.

  36. WEAK!
    Hillary’s having a scotch guarded, fingerprint proof love seat specially made for the Lincoln bedroom and you’re all arguing over who got butthurt the most. NY or Trump.
    Has Trump or Cruz been destroyed somehow by this?
    If you think so, you have no faith in either candidate.
    Move the fuck on.

  37. You’ve sure got your panties in a wad over this New York values thing. Almost everyone, except perhaps some New Yorkers, knew what he meant. Please give it a rest.

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