Cruz hammers Trump on birther issue, notes Trump flip-flop on issue – IOTW Report

Cruz hammers Trump on birther issue, notes Trump flip-flop on issue

cruz trump birther issue 


In Thursday’s debate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was asked about the ongoing debate about his eligibility to serve as President.  He responded by noting Donald Trump’s own flip-flop on the issue and reminded him that under the theories being presented by Trump supports, he and others would not be eligible to run.

“I’m glad we are focusing on the important topics of the evening,” Cruz said when asked about his birth. “Back in September, my friend Donald said he had his lawyers look at this in every which way.

“Since September, the Constitution hasn’t changed, but the poll numbers have,” he added. “And I recognize that Donald is dismayed that his poll numbers are falling in Iowa. But the facts and the record here are really quite clear.”

He wasn’t finished.


30 Comments on Cruz hammers Trump on birther issue, notes Trump flip-flop on issue

  1. I wish they hadn’t taken it up either but they have and the point Trump makes is true. Already rabble rousers like that dick in FL have said he will file suit to disqualify Cruz. Another guy has just filed one here in Texas. The left dominated media will look for ANY way too discredit ANY of our candidates(well not Jeb!, Rubio or Kasich)

    The media will use this drown out policies that Trump is proposing that are desperately needed to turn this nightmare around. The GOPe and the CofC will put everything they have into this to knock Cruz out.

    Plus I’ll have to listen to Levin and his hysteria all over the web and that’s just too much.

  2. If Cruz wants to be Trumps VP, he needs to get this eligibility shit taken care of…..Otherwise, Trump’s gonna swing back to the center and pick New Jersey Fats.

  3. The eligibility issue is a moot point, unless Trump continues to feed the media doubt and talking points.

    The targets are issues, failed democratic party, debt, corruption, illegal immigration, a decimated military, failed economic and international policies, obama, hillary and sander’s progressive socialist agenda.

    The target is Not cutting the wrists of conservative candidates who agree on by far the majority of issues this nation faces.
    —– OR IS IT?

  4. once again Trump is forecasting the future by simply having a clue.

    Trump doesn’t know or need to have an opinion one way or another about Cruz eligibility.

    What matters is that there WILL BE a lawsuit, by the dems, if Cruz is on a ticket.

    THAT IS THE ONLY POINT. Trump knows Cruz has a chance to be on a ticket and he is saying “HEY, SETTLE THIS BEFORE THEN TO AVOID THIS LAWSUIT”

  5. Look, I like Cruz (although I’m voting Trump) but Cruz’s eligibility goes also to the 14th Amendment and needs to be decided once and for all – either by the Congress or the Supreme Court.

    I agree Cruz is a citizen of the US but he was also until recently a citizen of Canada. The founding fathers’ concern was clear – the president could not have dual allegiances and to be a citizen, the child of foreigners could not have allegiance to another country. If dual allegiance was the criteria, Obama would never have been eligible to be president and we clearly see that the founding fathers were right in their concern.

    Under this “allegiance to another government” theory, no child of illegal aliens can be an automatic citizen, either.

    This needs to be debated and clarified. We’ve had such an influx of foreigners these last 50 years who have not assimilated, this situation can only get worse and is a giant Trojan horse – just like Obama.

  6. Actually it would be tossed due to “standing”. One must show standing to bring suit. As to settled law, well, this particular situation has never before been decided in a court, nor has the definition of natural born Citizen been decided by amendment, I do not see how this can be called settled law. If a suit was brought by a Sectary of State, it would have standing. A suit could be brought by any of the Dem. or emerging third party candidates. A suit could be brought by any Rep candidate. Those are the main ones.

  7. Trump did Cruz an enormous favor by bringing this issue front and center. Now it’s a win/win/win for Trump, Cruz and both’s supporters. He did it before the primaries, I think his motivation was, overall, sincere, and now Levin gets to argue it to his heart’s content. And all of this in the interest of American voters. Remember them?

    This election is not about the candidate, it’s about us. I find it odd that the constitutional purists are the most aggrieved over bringing up Cruz’s very recent dual citizenship and his eligibility, yet were the engine behind questioning that man in the WH and his pedigree. It definitely points up a case of situational purity on the Original Meaning of the founders.

  8. It has gone before the Immigration subcommittee, who refuse to resolve the issue or to let it go forward. That dumbass S. Jackson Lee doesn’t even know that blacks were enumerated as 3/5 so that slave owners weren’t over represented! Yet she is on that committee. Bless her heart. No, our government is paving the way to Globalization, and we all know or sense this. One key part of that is to thin the American blood down so that it is inconsequential. To do that is part of the reason the 14th amendment is purposefully and willfully misrepresented. All of these 14th amendment anchor babies, all the dual citizens, all the ambiguity, all the illegal aliens, all towards a Global community. They actually APPLAUD dual citizens being allowed to vote in the other country of citizenship as it promotes the Global Neighborhood. Yet our country does not and never has formally recognized dual citizenship.

  9. Getting more scared of Cruz because of his smugness on the issue. Dang it, Cruz, get a ruling.

    We know courts are fickle and stupid. Who knows what the heck they will do after the primary, or even after the general election on the subject. Will there be an injunction against Cruz taking office should he win?

    Someone asked a question on a call in Chicago station this a.m. The question is an interesting one even if far-fetched: Are all the Vietnamese children sired by our soldiers while in Nam, American citizens and can run for president? Was there ever a ruling on the children sired by our American soldiers during WWII

  10. I do not trust Trump. He is a life time liberal and has given money to every evil democrat out there. If Cruz’s numbers keep climbing and if Hildabeast goes down, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump jump ship and run as a democrat.

  11. Cruz is wrong on that issue. Trump was born in America(Cruz Canada) and his mother had already become a naturalized citizen. His father was American (Not Cuban). Trumps birth records are not sealed like Raphael’s.

  12. I understand that, here’s what I don’t understand maybe you can help me. It seems to me from reading Trump supporters comments that a lot of his supporters are very angry and quickly dismiss any Cruz supporters concerns about Trump being a libera l most of his life. Before Trump jumped in the race all we heard was how much conservatives hated Obama because he trashed the constitution and prayed for a true conservative which Ted Cruz is. Now this…Why would Trump supporters constantly trash Cruz especially like Sundance and his followers at the ‘conservative treehouse’ That’s alienating millions of conservatives from supporting and voting for Trump if he gets the nomination. No?

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