Trump Buys All The 13 HOURS Tickets at an Iowa Theater and Is Giving Them Away – IOTW Report

Trump Buys All The 13 HOURS Tickets at an Iowa Theater and Is Giving Them Away


Trump will pay for the showing of “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” at 6 p.m. Friday at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre at 86th Street and Hickman Road, Goertz said.

“The theater is paid for. The tickets are paid for. You just have to RSVP,” she said.

11 Comments on Trump Buys All The 13 HOURS Tickets at an Iowa Theater and Is Giving Them Away

  1. This is what candidates who don’t have to spend every waking moment on the phone with bundlers, house fundraising parties, black tie (NYC) fundraising soirees and every other assorted dog and phony show, strutting the runway for money — do.

    How many of those are there? Oh, right. One. Trump.

  2. Yeah Trump is just some dumb entertainer…. that is going to wipe the floor with all of pseudo intellectuals… in the fascist democrat and Ryno republican parties…. and their propagandists with bylines.

  3. “Trump Buys All The 13 HOURS Tickets at an Iowa Theater and Is Giving Them Away”

    Hillary Clinton buys all the 13 HOURS tickets at the same theater and burns them – then blames it on an internet video that she had nothing to do with……

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