Cruz Failing To Properly Disclose Million Dollar Loan From Goldman-Sachs – woooo Sounds Sinister – IOTW Report

Cruz Failing To Properly Disclose Million Dollar Loan From Goldman-Sachs – woooo Sounds Sinister

I remember reading this and thinking, “throw Goldman-Sachs in the headline, put in ‘a million dollars’ and the word ‘improper’ and you have the makings of a lofo scandal.”

Reader HRW was happy to see it addressed at the debates.

Here’s the “scandal” explained by Cruz

9 Comments on Cruz Failing To Properly Disclose Million Dollar Loan From Goldman-Sachs – woooo Sounds Sinister

  1. Guess Cruz was trying to avoid the taint that GS would leave on him. Still, what he did violated FEC laws. He’ll skate just like Geithner as the elites are above the laws made for us peons.

    The thing that bothers me about Cruz is that his wife is a managing director @ GS New York office. Yes, she is temporarily on leave during the campaign but GS still has a hook in Cruz any way you look at it.

  2. “Cruz Failing To Properly Disclose Million Dollar Loan From Goldman-Sachs – woooo Sounds Sinister”

    I heard that he blamed this on an internet video that he had nothing to do with……

  3. Not quite on par with 6 Billion missing from the State Department on Hillary’s watch is it? Yet we will hear about this ‘million’ 24/7 until Iowa. I guess all those zeroes get confusing to the MSM folks.

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