TV Writer Who Wants More Diversity Uses War Footing Expression Against White People – IOTW Report

TV Writer Who Wants More Diversity Uses War Footing Expression Against White People

I’m not opposed to good television shows having diverse casts. When the series is good it doesn’t matter at all who the actors are.

I don’t watch a good movie where the hero is black and sit there and constantly say “the hero is black, the hero is black, the hero is black.” Nor do I count the amount of people in the room and make sure it has the “proper mixture” before I can begin to enjoy the story.

This is the job of progressives, the perpetual cranks.

I do, however, object to this moron writer’s choice of words when discussing his new diverse series The Wrap.

In a new interview on the topic of diversity in casting, Adi Hasak, creator of NBC’s Thursday cop drama Shades of Blue, told the outlet, “I think in general, broadcasters are realizing that the white man’s 15 minutes are up.”

The self-described former B-movie writer added: “I think everyone’s woken up to a new reality.”

This guy’s a writer, no?

He knows the meaning of the phrase “your 15 minutes is up,” right?

It means that it’s time for you to go away now. You’re not relevant.

You see, in the minds of progressives, “diversity” doesn’t include white people. So why would white people tolerate diversity?

It’s making feel stupid for having been so tolerant. I was doing “diversity” wrong.

16 Comments on TV Writer Who Wants More Diversity Uses War Footing Expression Against White People

  1. The entertainment people should really learn to put a sock in it. When somebody starts shooting off their mouth about race, or whinging about diversity, etc., the net result is that they are shown to be ignorant, or stupid, or biased, or talentless. Then the inevitable happens—nobody cares or is interested in them or their projects anymore. At least that what happens with me and folks that I know

  2. Well, if diversity doesn’t include white people (such as myself), I hope the writer doesn’t mind if I don’t watch his diverse program. Or buy products from or support his advertisers. After all, I’m just a lowly white person, with a lot of the money in America today. But don’t let me stop you from continuing to write what you want, even if it tanks in the ratings. I have better things I can do, such as reading a good book, or even washing my hair.

  3. The “White Man” built this country & this world.
    Cars,radio,tv,airplanes,cell phones,advanced medicine and the list goes on… You would think
    other races would be grateful.God help these people if they ever unleash the full fury of the
    “White Man” but that is the plan…

  4. Another example of sumbody trying to get ahead by dragging everyone else down to his level of Suck! Believe me Dipshits like this don’t stop at Whites once they get their way.
    Maybe someone should remind Adi: “First they came for the Socialists”
    It should be near and dear to his heart!

  5. “… white man’s 15 minutes are up.”

    There it is.
    The snivelling, whining, crybaby, paean of the simpering, parasitic dregs of humanity.

    The “white man” clawed his way to the top of the fetid refuse pile of mankind through hard work, innovation, invention, and pure unadulterated tenacity WITH millions of human tape worms clinging to his pant cuffs.

    I would like to see them (the parasites) exist 1 (one) day without the inventions, innovations, philosophies, and intellect of the “white man.”

  6. Oh, and the “white man” freely gave his blood and treasure to help and raise the standard of living for the stinking, loathsome, lazy, worthless, violent, raping, burning, ignorant masses of parasitic ticks, fleas, and other assorted rat-people.

    Fuck em.

    Time for a divorce.

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