My NY Values Tells Me This is a Stupid Issue – IOTW Report

My NY Values Tells Me This is a Stupid Issue

Adam Baldwin posted a video on Twitter of a 17 year-old interview where Trump not only acknowledges the existence of NY Values, but goes on to say he can explain his progressive views by simply saying “hey, I’m from Manhattan.”

So Trump’s, “what the hell do you mean by New York Values?,” outrage toward Cruz is a crock. He knows what it means, he’s pulled the New York Values card on himself.

My objection to Cruz was his dog whistle alarm to his non-northeast voting base that “you can never trust anyone coming out of NY because they all have those progressive cooties on them, it’s in their DNA.”

The Donald seems to agree with Cruz when he tells Russert his views are shaped by his Manhattan address.

So, Trump should apologize to Cruz and say something nasty about his Canadian values and let’s call it even steven.

This is so stupid.

18 Comments on My NY Values Tells Me This is a Stupid Issue

  1. This whole New York Values nonsense is going to become political flypaper to Trump because he acted like he was incensed.

    He knew exactly what Cruz was referring to – and so did the rest of sane America.

  2. 17 years ago? That’s the stupid part. 17 years ago I was a fuzzy-brained Democrat who only voted when it was convenient and believed “law-abiding citizens don’t need to worry about laws enacted that . ..” because I was busy running a business and taking care of my young family.

    17 years is a generation ago and who knows how long it is in political years. Probably even longer than dog years.

    I can’t wait until they unearth a video of Trump from 20-25 years ago. I never paid much attention to him at the time, but he was a pretty good-looking guy.

  3. Mr Unciorn has a peg to hang his hat!!!! Goodie, keep the spewing coming. Confirm to everyone just how nuts you are.

    This is what ya got? This??? When we’ve got a nightmare to claw out of and you’re hanging your hat on this??

    Fucking pitiful dude.

  4. My thing with it was that it came across as a insult to NYers, not specifically to Trump.
    And although a lot of NYers in my part of the state are conservative – we have to be registered either Dem or Rep in order to vote in the primaries. Otherwise I think a lot of us would be Indys.

  5. Trump’s in his sixties. 17 years ago he was what he would be for the rest of his life, barring a request for forgiveness from the Almighty for his massive strips clubs and approval of killing babies.

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