Breaking – Pastor Saeed and 3 Other Prisoners Released by Iran – IOTW Report

Breaking – Pastor Saeed and 3 Other Prisoners Released by Iran

It’s a prisoner swap.  Jay Sekulow tells the story on video HERE.


8 Comments on Breaking – Pastor Saeed and 3 Other Prisoners Released by Iran

  1. Yes… 7 Iranian criminals in exchange for 4 innocent Americans and $150 billion.

    Thanks Iran!

    They’re already manipulating us. Wait until they go nuclear and Hitlery is in office.

    We’re screwed.

  2. They didn’t just get their 7 criminals – they got to capture our Military personnel, forcing the female to submit to a headscarf, take pics of our guys kneeling with their hands on their heads – which would not happen if there were not the threat of death looming. They got lovely lovely photos and videos of Iran owning America, and they were thanked for doing so. By us.

  3. God Bless Pastor Saeed for standing strong in the Faith through years of darkness and torture. Now he can get the medical attention that the Iranians have withheld from him.

    Iran is guilty of severe human rights violations against Pastor Saeed and thousands of others they have tortured in the name of islam. He was imprisoned for Christian proselytizing — he did no harm to anybody.

    After multiple beatings in interrogations at the hands of the radical Islamic regime, Pastor Saeed wrote that the nurse who was supposed to treat injured inmates told him “‘in our religion we are not suppose to touch you, you are unclean. . . . Christians are unclean!’” He explained, “they would not give me the pain medication that they would give other prisoners because I was unclean.”


    John Kerry and 0bama can both burn in hell.

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