Trump Goes on Twitter Rant Against “Dishonest Hypocrite” Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Trump Goes on Twitter Rant Against “Dishonest Hypocrite” Ted Cruz

Donald Trump has gone on a Twitter rant against Ted Cruz. I’ll reserve my judgement, because I want to report what he’s said without putting it through a filter.

It began seven hours ago with these rapid-fire attacks early Saturday morning:

Mr. Trump then called Mr. Cruz “the ultimate hypocrite:”

For two hours, Mr. Trump didn’t post anything else on Twitter. But in the last ten minutes, and at this moment, he’s going after Cruz “big league” again.

Within the last six minutes, he’s posted that Mr. Cruz is hypocritical on gay marriage:

That he’s a hypocrite and that people should get him out of politics:

Asks when Mr. Cruz will give back contributions from New Yorkers:

And then attacks him over his non-disclosed loan:

Mr. Trump even made certain to fix the right use of “then” is subsequent tweets about Mr. Cruz:
Trump then

Update, 2:50pm

Mr. Trump keeps on firing:

107 Comments on Trump Goes on Twitter Rant Against “Dishonest Hypocrite” Ted Cruz

  1. That’s fine Cruz supporters are tired of his shit and millions may sit home if he’s the nominee because of him and his supporters. Enjoy Hillary for the next 8 years if that happens.

  2. I find this sleazy and too much like some of the bullying blowhards I’ve known. It’s like being beat with the jaw bone of ass minus most of the Biblical success and Samson.
    For me the time has come when I feel there is a complete lack of dignity/gravitas on the part of Trump

    If a candidate wants to constantly tear down someone they should at least direct the majority of tearing down at the opposing party.

  3. This seems an awful lot like a “little boy” having a temper tantrum over something he has been shown or told. Did he get some bad polling data this morning and now thinks if he hurls silly hyperbole at Cruz it will somehow make his numbers change?

    When you are a candidate and have nothing to say for yourself then you attack. This would seem to indicate that Trump knows his numbers are not as solid as he would have us believe and that his internal polling suggests he needs to hurt Cruz someway, somehow before Iowa or else he is in trouble.

  4. “In his opening statement for that hearing, then-subcommittee chair Sen. Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat, said that Mercer’s business avoided paying more than $6 billion in taxes between 2000 and 2013.”

    Funny how this isn’t much reported. Mercer is Cruz’ sugar daddy.

  5. Trump has done a wonderful job speaking out loudly, and getting super attention to how much Obama and the liberals have taken away our American freedoms. However, he is showing the true character of a spoiled, rich bully.

    He had me, up until he turned against his own party mates, like a petulant child, giving a huge benefit to the MSM and liberal cause; SOS; republicans feeding upon themselves like a cancer. When will conservatives wise up and unite against the liberal machine?

    This is NOT the leadership America needs. Strength through unification, NOT petulant, petty infighting. That is just trading one set of oppression for another version.

  6. I’d expect no less from you pal. We don’t have to worry though about your sorry ass and piss poor I’m taking my ball and going home ‘tude because Trump is going to draw millions of voters that regularly vote dem.

    No one his gonna miss ya no matter how hard you rub your magic balls together.

  7. I don’t get it. I heard people whining about how we never had a candidate who was willing to fight, never was willing to go toe to toe with the libtards, and was not distinguishable from the also rans. Now, Trump is showing he really wants to win by pointing out his opponent’s weaknesses and that is a bad thing? I say bring it on. For those that say Trump’s actions will make people stay home, I say for everyone that stays home, 2 will be motivated to vote for him. Say what you want, but Trump has forever changed the dynamics of campaigning. No more milquetoastes and no more establishment types.

  8. Cruz has an eligibility problem. Our last chance to save America is Trump – Wall, Immigration, Economy. A double talking politician is not going to fix it. One of America’s own best businessman with the greatest minds surrounding him can.

  9. People you are clouded with thinking Cruz has his faith screw on right. Go google, Cruz + Benny Hinn

    Here is just one article that you might want to read if you think yourself balanced.

    I know all about Benny Hinn and his chicanery. My mother was widowed 50 years when she started speaking about watching Benny Hinn on TV. After she turned over POA to me before she died, I learned she was supporting the TV evangelist. She had no money, was on rent, we did what we could for her, but she apparently was a regular contributor to the fraud.

    I cannot believe that my impression of Cruz months before I knew his connection to Hinn, was that of TV Evangelist fraud ala Baker.

    Take the blinders off, people. Not everyone who professes is what he professes.

  10. I’m disgusted by the rhetoric. Trump need to chill. Let the New York Slime do their own dirty work. I’m going to STFU until a candidate is chosen by whoever whom. Fuckitall. I’m sick of it

    Oh, wasn’t it nice that Iran fed our sailors and then released them
    without firing a shot? We’re on a roll..

  11. If Cruz can not win against Trump, he can not win against the Dems. The best man is suppose to come out on top unlike in the past, when the GOP elites put up a pussy to lose to Dems.
    Fight it out and let the best man win.

  12. If Cruz and Trump swapped places in this situation, you better bet your sweet life all the Cruzies would be jumping up and giving their best “Amen!”

    I’m tellin’ ya guys and gals — this is the big leagues. Trump has taken his hits right, left and center from every conceivable quarter — including his own party and Cruz. For at least a couple of weeks now, Trump has been correcting everyone that it wasn’t he who brought up the eligibility thing. Cruzies absolutely believe that if Trump hadn’t talked about it, it would have never come up! That’s their first denial. Of course it came up! But do the Cruzies go after the media? No, they go after someone in their own party. And worse, they viciously go after those who support Trump.

    I almost never (I could say never, but then I’d have to go back and read every comment for the past six months) get a cogent argument in favor of Cruz from anyone who supports him. All I get is personal crap attacks on Trump or personal crap attacks on his supporters. Alinsky all the way to the bank.

    Well, I’m not sitting through the next 10 months reading this stuff.

    Have fun!

  13. Exactly – can’t take the heat – get out of the kitchen. Trump is doing Cruz a favor hitting him hard. That’s what the Dems and the media are going to do TIMES TEN!
    That’s why I am a Trump supporter. Trump OWNS the media. Cruz will be CRUCIFIED by the media.

  14. “No enemies on the Right!”

    “There! There is the Enemy!”

    Donald J. should be giving it all to the socialists:
    HRC and BS and the Media and Academia and Wall St. and Madison Ave. and the FedGov and the feral savages and the Unions and the rat-people and the other assorted parasites.

    Not implying that he should be quiet about the REAL enemies.

  15. See Trump’s Russert interview where he calls himself VERY pro-choice (1999). That puts him out unequivocally, for me and about 45% of the the Dead Elephant base, no “ifs, ands, or buts”!

  16. You can’t fix anything if you don’t identify the problem. Is Trump my ideal candidate? No, but he IS the right candidate at the right time. He is forcing dialogue on topics the libtards thought they had people cowed and intimidated over. Prior to his entering, not one politician was talking about immigration. People throwing a tantrum over what Trump is pointing out are no better than the libtards emotional reactions. His comments are not verbal grenades, they are verbal seeds he plants then nourishes them to grow.

  17. Magnum, if you were an honest person, which you aren’t, you would admit that it was your comment to me that provoked me to tell you to go fuck yourself.

    I’ve seen bigger blogs taken down by people like you. Sad to watch it happen.

    As a postscript: I think you are a negative to the Cruz campaign. I hope he doesn’t have many more like you.

  18. Do you think that politics is nice and friendly?
    Were you not paying attention the last 15 years? Look what was done to the Tea Party candidates by other republicans in 2014, and what was done by demonazis to Cain and Palin?
    Trump came into this thing prepared. He researched every one of his competitors, digging with resources we probably can’t even comprehend.
    He probably knew about these loans long ago, and kept them in his pocket until the right time.
    And don’t be naive – the demonazis had this info too. They were just waiting in case Cruz would become the frontrunner.
    I’m glad this is coming out now.
    Trump gave Cruz a few weeks to clear the confusion about citizenship. He didn’t do it.

    Look at it another way. Has anyone else dug up stuff on Trump? Stuff that wasn’t already out in the open years ago? Nope. You know that the forces of the new world order had every resource they had digging into Trump for the last 8 months. They have thrown everything they had at him and didn’t even put a dent in his climbing poll numbers.

    Everyone was saying the conservative movement needed a tiger. Well, now we have one.

    Full disclosure – I had Trump and Cruz tied in my opinion just the other day.

  19. Trump is a MASSIVE strip club smut peddler, but I’m sure he’d be a really conservative leader and example for the youth of America. Yeah, I think he’s someone I could really support(not).

  20. Trump is totally O.K. w/ gajillions of dead babies, but other than that and his ambivalence on fags in the military and the joining of opposing parts in unholy “matrimony”, and his ginormous strip clubs I’m sure he is someone to take the country in a “conservative” direction…um, sorta, kinda, maybe…

  21. Even though I am certain that Cruz is not constitutionally allowed to serve as president, I would prefer him to Trump. That is the only reason I support Trump.
    With Cruz out, Trump is the best of the lot.
    This particular issue, on the other hand, shows how much Trump fears Cruz and believes that Obama has deleted the natural born citizen clause from the constitution.

  22. You’re wasting your time Menderman I have posted rebuttals to the Trump supporters ad nauseam they either don’t read it or don’t believe in facts. They are blinded by Trumps celebrity status they don’t give a shit about facts. Hang in there brother.

  23. Trump does not like abortion. Always didn’t if you listen carefully to that old interview. Supports Veterans 1000%.
    If you fix immigration, crime and the economy, Conservative social values will come back to America.

  24. Why is it your guy or nobody? I’m fine if Cruz wins and gets to the White House.
    I feel Cruz is still one of them (a politician) and can still get manipulated by the GOP. Trump can not.
    I would be MORE THAN HAPPY if Cruz goes all the way.
    I rather Trump, because he sticks it to the GOP and politics as usual will be changed forever. Screw Karl Rove and Reince Priebus.

  25. I’m not analyzing America, I’m seeing who Trump is, and he is, in fact, a male slut who started dating/boinking each of his several wives while he was still married to the previous slut. That is the kind of guy heis. I would say it is just as relevant for him as it was for Slick Willie.

  26. Actually, that’s how the SchutzStaffel got started; beating the shit out of anyone at the rallies who spoke out contrary to the National Socialist speaker.

    So, you can, indeed, beat up people to support your guy.

    But physically.
    Calling them ugly names is kind of puerile.

  27. I was originally for Cruz. When he came out definitively in favor of giving legal status to the invaders, I abandoned him and went full-on Trump.

    Now, Cruz is putting me off to the point that I no longer like him. His New York comment was stupid. Him blowing off the citizenship issue, and being in denial of it NOT being “settled” shows me the man is not as brilliant as I have thought him to be. Combined with a few other things, along with the dishonesty of many of his supporters over all these things, I’m now considering another “second choice.” Trump isn’t perfect, but he’s not a hypocrite like Cruz.

    Nobody in Trump’s camp is going to be persuaded by this nonsense from Cruz, and nobody in Cruz’ camp is going to be persuaded by anything Trump says. I just don’t give a crap about this anymore.

  28. The Slick Willie problem is NOT that he cheated on his wife – Clinton likes women – ain’t holding that against him. Couldn’t care less how he disrespected Hillary. Could you blame him?
    News flash – I LOVE WOMEN TOO!
    It’s that Clinton COMPROMISED the office of the Presidency and NATIONAL SECURITY by having an affair.
    Other than that, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass where Clinton sticks his little willie. It’s not for me to judge, if he was not President!

  29. Mr. Pinko/ Dave:
    On the money guys. Trumps a driven winner. There’s nothing the man hates worse than losing there’s nothing he enjoys more than the hunt and the win. Seems most here want Romney 2. And then they can bitch after he loses. Me, I think it’s going to take somebody this driven to clean up this mess.
    Ya know this is a competitive event people.

  30. Never forget 9-11. The bigger tragedy is our feckless leaders did not connect the dots back in ’93 when other muslims tried to take down one of the towers. If we cannot be honest about the nature of those against us, this nation will cease to exist.

  31. Found this list; take it for what it’s worth:


    *Elected November 2012
    *Took office January 2013
    *Fought ObamaCare February to Sept 2013 (essentially no issues with him through those nine months)

    And then Something Changed.

    *October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.

    *January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.

    *March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.

    *June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniel in *Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.

    *July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.

    *December ’14 Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.

    *Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested, TPP trade deal.

    *April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan

    *May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby insuring it’s passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    *May ’15 Becomes first candidate to announce presidential bid.

    *June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (cover) even though the rider he created insures its passage.

  32. I hate the infighting but its healthy. Look at the Dems. Completely and utterly lockstep. I am voting for whoever runs against the pure commies. That is who they are. The cats out of the bag in a big way. Do not take your ball and go home. Anyone but the commie. If nothing else, it buys you and your kids time. The one commodity that can never be replaced. I don’t really trust Trump but he’s better than anything the Commies will nominate. Whoever it is, they’ll get my vote. Full stop.

  33. I pray you are right and I am wrong, but I fear you are in for a huge disappointment if Trump does get the nomination. Trump’s ego will be his problem if elected because his history shows that he is willing to make deals and do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants for himself and his interests. So if his interests don’t align with those of the American People then all hell is going to break loose because the American people ARE angry and they will need to unleash it somewhere.

  34. I think the really sad thing reading some of the comments here today is this is only a skirmish to differentiate competensies, capabilities, and vision of where to go from here. What are people going to do when the real war electioneering starts? Romney had Obama against the ropes in their debate. McCaint would not even draw attention to Barack Hussien Obama’s middle name.

  35. ON THE TOPIC OF “stay angry”

    I just got a book (from the 1980’s) called
    “I Hate You! – An angry man’s guide to revenge”
    by M. Nelson Chunder

    Sounds like something for the Zeitgeist, baby!

  36. I’m pretty sure Cruz is OK in that regard…
    …and I’m still for Trump.

    Even though my guess is that EVERYONE knows this is an “issue”

  37. There are only 100 of them.
    Only 100! In a nation of 360 Million.

    They live like Demigods.
    Every thought, desire, perversion, is attended to – immediately.

    More money than Croesus had is shown to them.
    More pussy (or boy-ass) than Hugh Hefner ever saw.
    More elegance, artifice, deference, and obsequiousness.
    Rich men grovel at their feet and offer the sexual favors of their offspring for just a slight nod in the proper direction.
    A signature can be worth, literally, millions.
    Pages adjust their footstools.
    Toadies wipe their asses.

    It’s difficult to remain merely mortal … and refuse to join the Club.

  38. UH-OH, that’s gonna send Mr Unicorn into the rubber room.

    The NRSC funded the slimy, racist ads against McDanial in MS when Cruz was head of it. The result was the 7th!!!! term of Cochran who had tried gracefully to retire. I’ve read that he spends most of his day in the senate “napping”

    I’ve asked our chief resident Cruzbot to explain it twice and he’s ignored me.

  39. Whoa, you are really off the rails here. My advice would be too back off, take a breath and up the meds. From a little harmless ribbing to telling AA to fuck off, in caps, no less is pretty bad dude.

    Generally if you wouldn’t talk to someone like that in person, turning into Kommander Keyboard paints you as “somewhat” nutty.

  40. Jane, my opinion of Benny Hinn is lower than my opinion of congress. I had to do a search for what you said and found this. . I am really disappointed in that. I’ve had it up to here with tv evangelists. Hinn and mike murdoch (spit) are 2 of the most flagrant abusers of Gods people. You should watch this 5 minute video about a man who stole murdocks safe.

  41. Trump was keeping Cruz close for VP purposes but he sees the Canada thing and the loan thing as vulnerabilities so he is now done with him.

    It isn’t that Trump sees them as a problem PERSONALLY, it isn’t that he necessarily cares PERSONALLY, it’s that it is a weakness for the dems to attack.

    He gave Cruz ample warning to deal with the Canada thing and he didn’t. Trump has fired him.

  42. “Problem is people who like Cruz hate Trump. And there is the divide.”

    Mr. Pinko – that was NOT true of me initially. But the more I see of this crap from Trump, the more it is becoming true. Too bad he doesn’t go after his good buddy Hillary Clinton with the same fervor.

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