Sean Smith’s Mother, Pat, Shouts Through Tears, “Hillary is a liar, I know what she told me.” – IOTW Report

Sean Smith’s Mother, Pat, Shouts Through Tears, “Hillary is a liar, I know what she told me.”


11 Comments on Sean Smith’s Mother, Pat, Shouts Through Tears, “Hillary is a liar, I know what she told me.”

  1. This woman breaks my heart every time I see her on Fox. Hillary has tortured her very soul. What’s the penalty for that and what kind of piece of shit could continue to watch this poor woman suffer. Her son was a Freaken national treasure. Sacrafised for what? Damn somebody needs to pay. Seeing this movie tomorrow.

  2. What’s the most messed-up about Hillary is this: I bet if Pat Smith did that at a Hillary rally, she’s be deftly escorted out the door.

    Not only is Hillary a murderer, she’s also a lying, stone-cold bitch who will do absolutely anything for personal gain . FDR, can you keep an eye on the arrivals board, please?

  3. I saw 13 Hours yesterday, and I was trying to imagine Mrs. Smith sitting through that and I just couldn’t. I think if I were the mother of any of those men, watching that movie would make me insane with anguish.

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