Sanders Flip Flops On Gun Manufacturer Immunity Bill – IOTW Report

Sanders Flip Flops On Gun Manufacturer Immunity Bill

Bernie Sanders says he’ll now back measures that allow gun manufacturers to be vulnerable to lawsuits filed by people who blame them rather than the people who did them wrong with a gun.


Watch out Louisville Slugger.

Whoever is making those scimitars better lawyer up.

10 Comments on Sanders Flip Flops On Gun Manufacturer Immunity Bill

  1. Two components to this.

    The progressive gun grabbers get to screw with manufactures.

    The lawyers know the manufactures have deeper pockets than the gang bangers.

  2. I’d much rather see a law requiring every politician, who ever backed a firearm ownership infringement law, must pay $1000, from their personal bank account not from the treasury, to a every citizen or LEO each time they use a firearm to stop a bad guy.

    So what do we have, about 40 Senators, 200 Congress critters, a VP and a President – all on the firearm infringement bandwagon. About $242,000 pay out for each self defense, and public defense use of a firearm.
    The pay out wouldn’t apply to one thug stopping another thug in self defense. otoh, maybe it could, more incentive for them to whip each other out till fewer were left.

    Heck why not throw in a multiplier. They have to pay $1000 for each infringement law they backed. Some of them have backed more than one infringement bill, and would get hit with having to write several $1000 checks. They would be held accountable not just for backing a bills that became law, but also for backing bills that never became law. They’d soon become broke.

  3. I think he can mumble about that all he wants but I don’t believe he has the authority to do dick and he knows it. Obama’s trying to sneak one past via executive order (and the Dems are going to regret their Dear Leader doing this) but even the Dems in the congress and the Judges on SCOTUS wouldn’t let a President create and enforce domestic laws. Bernie’s just passing gas to try to toss a bone to the Lawyers and the extreme left of the party.

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