This is a head-scratcher – Can you figure it out? – IOTW Report

This is a head-scratcher – Can you figure it out?

Sweden is giving state-funded Muslim “Sniper” Training

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ht/ JS

24 Comments on This is a head-scratcher – Can you figure it out?

  1. Any day now, I expect to hear of the murder or rape of one of my Swedish or Norwegian relatives. I doubt I will be visiting them again any time soon. Hej da and lycka till!!

  2. somehow I just know a President Trump or President Cruz would not allow this…. a President Bush…maybe. A President Hildabeast or Bernbrain….absolutely

  3. Sniper training does start with Iron Sights. They spend most of their time reinforcing trigger control. Based on where Madam Muzzie in the picture has her finger placed on the trigger, they’re getting some good training. Mind Blowing.

  4. the usa cannot be far behind with obama and the rest of our dc politicians at the wheel can it?

    bush, rubio, cruz, clinton, all are for unfettered immigration.

    we are letting the terrorist in by the truckload over the southern border and flying them in directly from the middle east as refuges.

    they’re getting their sniper training in all the gov sanctioned training camps the muzzies have set up in the usa with the approval of the fed gov.

    meanwhile he can’t confiscate the old citizen white men’s weapons quick enough.

  5. The article’s headline was loosely translated into sniper training….

    follow the links…..

    there’s an editor’s explanation that this was biathlon training and in the summer the only training possible is marksmanship….sniper training but not military sniper training…..

    still a bad idea.

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