Disturbing High School Hazing Practice – IOTW Report

Disturbing High School Hazing Practice

“Anal hazing” is supposedly an epidemic. I guess you can figure out what it is. That it has a name is disturbing.

A freshman in Tennessee saw his basketball teammates sodomize him with a pool cue and injure him so badly he will be on a colostomy bag and catheter for weeks.

What is going on in this world?

ht/ Jerry Manderin

28 Comments on Disturbing High School Hazing Practice

  1. So, how many times has something this perverted actually happened? Just cuz some pervert coach says it happens “1000 times a day in the US” doesn’t make it so.

    What are the actual statistics on this?

    Not that we’re NOT witnessing a rise in perversion.

  2. “Unchallenged?” Un-fucking-challenged?

    He is welcomed into every lair of power on Earth!

    The White House
    The Capitol
    The Supreme Court
    The Forbidden City
    The Kremlin
    The Bundestag
    The Palace of Versailles
    The Vatican
    The Palaces of Luxembourg, Brussels, and Strasbourg.

  3. No, very much unfunny. Very much barbaric, in fact, clear evidence of a complete lack of respect for your fellow man.

    Willie Mosconi? Sure, I remember him. Crackerjack pocket pool player, quite famous when I was a lot younger. Lots of trick shots, but virtually unbeatable in straight pool (not the 9-ball version played in competition today). I seem to recall he once ran well over 500 balls. Wizard!

  4. In the Navy there is/was a tradition used to put someone, usually an a_hole, in his place. My guess was that it was only the remnant first step, the preparation phase for what came afterward, all that remained from a longer event with extra steps from the days of iron men on wooden ships. When a guy got kind of anxious feeling after months at sea.

    Over six years I only heard about it being done twice. Once when I was on a surface ship and once while I was on a submarine. The guy on the surface ship was a top grade a_hole. We had been denied several port calls in the Med to go chase some Soviet ships. The crew was not happy and looking for some mischief to break the boredom.

    I heard he was lured into engineering on the promise they had some weed to smoke, where they greased his azz crack. To add to his woes, the division LPO gave him hell for getting grease all over berthing after he was let go. He couldn’t complain to the CO because he would have to explain why he went into engineering. The guy on the sub was a nice guy, a very popular member of the crew, always telling jokes. His mistake was telling a funny story about it being done to someone , then bragging no one was man enough to grease his azz. He got off easy, all he got was some soft butter.

    Rumor was that the practice was outlawed, for many obvious reasons, and because in the past a guy it was done to had died because they had filled his lower intestines with a grease gun. But maybe that was just a sea story.

  5. No, don’t just send them to jail. Sent them to *prison*. A world of difference, from what I hear. In prison they love to play house. And they don’t bother with a pool cue, if you know what I mean. AIDS and all.

  6. This is not “hazing,” this is freaking sexual assault, and it’s scary to me as the mother of a 12-year-old boy who is super scary smart but not especially street savvy.

    It just blows my mind how people can actually carry out such horrific actions on other humans.

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