Get over yourself – IOTW Report

Get over yourself

cry  on daybed

PatriotRetort: Maybe because I’m not a Liberal, I am having a difficult time understanding why the Academy Awards not including a black person among the nominees is such a scandal.

I noticed last night on Twitter that conservative actors Nick Searcy and Adam Baldwin were having a back and forth with actor Don Cheadle over the kerfuffle. And now I hear that Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith plans on boycotting the Oscars because no blacks were nominated.

The entire mishegas centers on the alleged “snubbing” of three actors. Will Smith, Idris Elba and Samuel L. Jackson. Michael Keaton and Johnny Depp were also snubbed, but nobody seems to give two craps about them.  more

56 Comments on Get over yourself

  1. I remember when Denzel Washington won Best Actor, even though Russell Crowe’s movie, A Beautiful Mind won four Academy Awards, for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress.

    So, the movie that won Best Picture, the lead character still wasn’t good enough to win best actor?
    Denzel was good but methinks it was Hollywood reparations.

    Thing is, whenever a black actor wins, people question if it is affirmative action.
    Do blacks really want this stigma on top of everything else?

  2. Considering that blacks make up twelve and one half percent of the US population, I’d say television and movies are flooded with blacks. I asked my nephew who attends college what percentage of the US was black and he pondered a while and said forty percent. He thought I was crazy when I told him the truth. I Googled it with him and he looked stunned.

  3. What? that black guy in the new Star Wars movie didn’t get nominated?…… I thought every scene he was in, where all he did was run around, pant very hard & act confused… about EVERYTHING, was way better than anything Brando or Olivier did….golly gee

    I know, have blacks boycott EVERYTHING! Don’t go to anything, anytime, anywhere……we’ll sure miss ya!

    (& I’d like to thank the magical unicorn healing farts of the Obama for taking our country to this point)

  4. Imagine that? Hambone. And no black ever wrote a series of books to encourage children to read or think, like “The Hardy Boys,” “Nancy Drew.” and such. Now they want Nobel prizes and Oscars. I say give them what they want. Don’t mean shit nohow!

  5. Progressives believe blacks to be inferior and not up to competing with humans in any endeavor except sports.
    That, in itself is not surprising as they have been the font of white superiority for almost 200 years.
    What I don’t understand is why there are black people helping progs push them down to animal status.
    The root of quotas and affirmative action is white supremacy. They get to feel good about scraping a crumb off the table to their inferiors on the floor.

  6. There should be formed a ” Congressional White Caucus” to counterbalance the now august body, the “Congressional Black Caucus.” The Whites shall be comprised of at least 15, but no more than 25 males or females,or other genders. The “Whites” IQ’s shall be no less than 70 and no more than 103.. This will assure fairness in any argument betwix the two august bodies.
    VP Joe Biden should introduce this Bill subito. If passed it will assure his place in history.

  7. Magnum. The first 15 minutes of that movie scared the bejeasus out of me. It reminded me of the Infiltration Course at Fort Jackson SC. Barbed wire, machine-gun fire, tear gas, explosions up the ass, screaming, shouting on a loud speaker,crawling on your belly. Scared shitless.. All just training. Never saw the real thing,thank God.

  8. It’s a power play by self aggrandizing black “bougie” bourgeois actors, or progressive leftist tools. They’re only thinking about the green. How better to get attention than to act outraged about an industry worshipped by every black actor who has made a pact with the Hollyweird elite – especially the ones boycotting the Oscars.

  9. the blacks go way out of their way to not act “white”.
    getting an education is considered acting “white” by the blacks.
    so they refuse to get educated.

    seems to me that the blacks would be enamored by not being chosen to be awarded by the “whites” for acting “white” in a “white” movie at a “white” awards program..

    it gives them more black street cred doesn’t it?.

  10. Who knew I was such a good social justice warrior? I have been boycotting Hollywood and the Academy Awards my entire life. The last movie I saw in a theatre was Alien.

  11. Moetom,

    that and I challenge you to try and find a single restaurant commercial on tv that doesn’t show a group of white friends with the one black guy in their group.

    Not to mention I’m seeing more and more commercials where the “couple” is always a white woman and a black husband, with a zebra kid in the foreground. Why do we never see a white guy on tv with a black wife?

  12. Why not just give every fuckin nig … uhh … neg … no … uhh … Afro … no … uhh … color … uhh … Arfican Mericoon actor a Oscar award and be done with it?

    Can’t keep em on the Plantation if they’ze all strirred up!

  13. For God’s sake, they’re only 14% of the population at best. In general I think they’re over represented in commercials and everywhere else. What a bunch of cry-babies. I’d like to see the box office results of Hollywood forcing diversity down our throat.

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