Gluten – The Ridiculously Maligned Substance – IOTW Report

Gluten – The Ridiculously Maligned Substance

If you’re not allergic to gluten, avoiding it for health reasons might be a meaningless choice.

Many use it to lose weight. I see the logic, because without gluten food doesn’t taste as good. You’ll eat less.

But, feel free to roam about the gluten-free cabin. It’s no skin off my gluten-free apple.

Here’s a post that discusses the pros and cons of the gluten-free fad.

HT/ fdr in hell




32 Comments on Gluten – The Ridiculously Maligned Substance

  1. I’ve got a hundred dollars that says in 10-15 years from now the “experts” will come out and tell us that gluten is a necessary nutrient for all except for those few that are allergic to it.

  2. Another stupid dietary fad.

    If Obola gets his way and America hits the skids, people are gonna be tickled to get ANYTHING to eat.
    The cities are toast – the ferals will have to eat each other – gluten or not.

  3. I don’t have celiac disease, but when I eat wheat I seriously swell up and my joints hurt so bad I can hardly walk. Don’t know if it is because of gluten or something else in it, but I make a point to avoid it. I am glad it’s a fad because if something is gluten free it doesn’t contain wheat, so I can eat it. I hate that it’s a fad because I hate being THAT person. But it is what it is.

  4. tried the gluten-free because I thought it would lower my sugar intake & therefore lose weight…. found out quickly than most gluten-free stuff, aside from being much more expensive, actually had more carbs (carbs = sugar) than non-gluten-free food.

  5. Before gluten it was lactose intolerance. Gluten has about run its course and it’s time for something else. Hollywood will decide.

    On the medical side of things, the popular “autism spectrum” thing has about run out and they’ll have to come up with some other excuse that excuses kids from being brats.

  6. I just like food. Don’t take anything out and don’t add any unnecessary shit to it. And let people eat whateverthefuck they want.

    Natural stuff right out of the garden or out of the fields or woods tastes just fine to me. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a gluten before. What do they look like?

  7. After radiation for cancer, I found out the hard way that I had a gluten allergy. My avoidance of gluten is not a fad. I used to scoff at people who asked for the”gluten free” items on the menu too. Your opinion changes when it happens to you……

  8. Have a shit load of money to spare do you?
    The only thing beneficial from gluten is malt/sugar from wheat and it’s in damn near everything or it was until recently.

    If you’re counting on being bloated, gaseous and feeling generally like shit then I’ll reverse my statement.

    I love my gluten based food stuffs but they sure as hell don’t like me and there’s my wife that has serious intestinal issues when she consume any more than a few scraps.

    Bottom line, eat it if you can today for tomorrow may bring different results.

  9. Must reiterate-
    *If you’re not allergic to gluten* avoiding it for health reasons might be a meaningless choice.

    It says nothing about people with actual allergies.
    People shouldn’t be poking fun at people with an illness, or mocking their food choices as if they asked to be allergic to certain foods.

    Having said that, people who lecture people who are able to eat gluten, as if they are eating poison, can eat my gluten-free nut sack.

    People with gluten allergies ally themselves with these a-holes because they popularize the issue to the point where actual sufferers get more food choices.

    I understand the alliance.

    But the band-wagoners are insufferable when they start pontificating.

    Everything is going to kill you, yet there is no data that suggests any secret diet makes people live longer.

    My apologies to that stupid yogurt company that claimed some group of citizens lived into their hundreds because of yogurt.
    Ya, sure they did.

  10. Ask Monsanto what is sprayed on wheat crops…and while you’re at it, ask them what pesticide is incorporated into GMO wheat.

    The answer(s) may be a clue to the so-called “Gluten Allergy.”


  11. Being the conservative that I am, I agree with you sir. I just want the option to not have it in obvious things like breakfast oatmeal. Why would oatmeal require gluten? It’s malt or modified food starch and it’s in everything it seems. Xanthum gum is another thing they load up foods with.

    Most of the reasons for the adding of these substances are to sweeten the mix up and in some cases bind the dough or whatever your combining together. You remember the horse shit sugar scare along with high fructose corn syrup? Now corn is artificially high in price so they started using sugar from wheat in it’s place and shazam, you’ve got this shit in everything under the sun.

    What were the odds that both my wife and myself are afflicted by gluten?

    Anyway BFH, if you want to smoke or drink, have at it same as gluten. As for me, I have to limit the stuff or feel like I’m on a menstrual cycle man style

  12. Gluten is real, my friends. Cereal grains, dairy, legumes, and sugar is hell for many people whether you believe it or not. Best bet is to steer clear of anything lots of people are allergic to. They’re not the same foods your grandpa grew up on.

  13. We are being sold a bill of goods about it being only gluten that is a problem with wheat foods. Its much more. The wheat we have now is greatly hybridized in a way it wasn’t years ago. It’s a totally new plant and it was never even tested on animals. The proteins are weird Frankensteins. Many people get sick from them, especially since so much commercial food has some of it in the mix. Actually no grains are really good for human beings, though rice seems to be pretty safe. Even oatmeal is hard on your gut. Look it up!

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