The Wacky Scientist From Italy Claims He’s Transplanted A Monkey’s Head – IOTW Report

The Wacky Scientist From Italy Claims He’s Transplanted A Monkey’s Head

Remember the loon who drew his plans on a cocktail napkin and said he discovered the technique for head transplantation (which would be used for curing paralysis)?

It looked like IKEA directions for assembling a lamp.


Well, he says he’s done it. He’s transplanted a monkey head.

ht/ fdr in hell

16 Comments on The Wacky Scientist From Italy Claims He’s Transplanted A Monkey’s Head

  1. Just reattach the jugular vein, the carotid artery, the spine, put in a few stitches and voila …….. the monkey head is transplanted. What’s that? You actually thought it would be a “working” monkey when I was done?

    It is kinda like an Ikea deal now that you mention it.

  2. @brad – I was going to say someone already eclipsed his feat. Not only was a horse’s ass transplanted onto an affirmative action community agitator, that horse’s ass transplant was elected as the first affirmative action horse’s ass. I am not even going to get into the feat of the other guy who transmorgryphied a male sasquatch into a female wookie.

  3. Yes, and after 7yrs, the proudly report that the transplant has been largely successful, although memory problems do occur, so that’s why the subject travels about with a teleprompter.

    However, the ass transplant wasn’t a success, the same asshole is still in charge.

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