Judge Jeanine Suspicious of TEA PARTY Darlings and Their Sudden Call For The Anger Volume To Turn Down – IOTW Report

Judge Jeanine Suspicious of TEA PARTY Darlings and Their Sudden Call For The Anger Volume To Turn Down

Pirro makes a good point about Nikki Haley.
She says Haley was ushered in with a wave of angry voices – THE TEA PARTY.
That was okay at the time. Now that she’s in office she says to “turn down the volume.”
What happens to these

politicians once they are in? Why is she so complacent and comfortable now? She is supposed to mirror the constituents. I don’t see any less anger from the constituency. I see more anger.
And the TEA Party candidates haven’t exactly paid any dividends.
Haley’s governing is adequate, that is not my problem. What’s concerning is her sudden concern with “the tone” in 2016?

Who gave her this directive?

13 Comments on Judge Jeanine Suspicious of TEA PARTY Darlings and Their Sudden Call For The Anger Volume To Turn Down

  1. perhaps this:

    “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

    Woodrow Wilson (who was an evil bastard but he got this right)

  2. To revive a slogan the Left uses (and YES, it *even* applies to us!):

    “If you’re not angry*, you’re not paying attention.”

    * (The Left uses the term “outraged” in the original. Close enough)

  3. I trust you posted that link to NRO as a gag.
    It’s a sappy and lame thing to say the Tea Party is dead because Palin supported Trump.

    Pirro got it right that the Tea Party was born out of anger (and was also not ideologically pure back then, either), and that this is just “the next wave” of it. I suspect that’s what draws Palin in part to Trump.

  4. Also if there’s an approved list where you want me to get my articles from I would appreciate a copy. I will vote for Trump or Cruz we must take the country back from the progressives

  5. Dear Magnum, Thanks for your diplomacy. Please accept my apology for my roughness (however you wish to characterize it). Things here around the empire have been sorta rough and I have been losing perspective on reality on an intermittent basis (not crazy, but as overstressed to the point of distraction as a retiree can be). Need a break; a well-deserved one is coming soon, thank God. Pardon.

  6. These termination-worthy views and opinions expressed on this web site by the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko are soley the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of iOTWreport.com, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    The ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  7. Tea Party is very alive and well when you have Ted Cruz or Donald Trump a step away from the White House.

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of iOTWreport.com, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

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